Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Christmas Break 2013

Dear Vedant,

I have a 10 day shutdown at the end of the year for the holidays. Your school was off too. Papa worked from home some days. Unfortunately, we were sick otherwise, we would have surely done more things. But we spent a lot of time together, just being around each other which was so nice and much needed after 3 weeks of Pre-school routine.

The highlights were having our own little Christmas tree, (recycled from last year :)). You loved playing with it. Also, you got a present from Santa. I had to force you (I feel bad, somewhat) to say Thank you, and had to present back on the porch until you were willing you say it. You did eventually, and were happy with your present. We have also been reading the Christmas book a lot. You really like it. Other highlight when we managed to fight the cold and cough and get out of the house was our trip to "Christmas in the Park". You really liked it there, watching the various trees, toy train etc. They did not have the tea pot ride this year otherwise we would have surely gone on it . You liked it last year.

You also celebrated Christmas in School, you got scared of the Santa. I don't blame ya, you were so new to the school in the first place and I hadn't read books about it yet. So you didn't know what was coming. :( Here is your picture from school. You are sitting close to Miss Monique, you seem to really like her.

It was a good break, I got to spend a lot of time with you. Something I am almost always looking to do :)


Sunday, 22 December 2013

Dancing to "Maine pyaar kiya"

Dear Vedant,

You really seem to like dancing so much. Its your thing :) Today was so much fun! We were all sitting in the living room. Papa was playing music on Pandora. Suddenly you got up and wanted to dance. You pulled both of us into it too. Dancing, btw means, we throw our hands up in the air and jump. We also have to go around in circles. You also like dancing in my godi. Papa is a good (handsome :), cute, fun! - you know I like him :)) dancer and you tried to learn a step too :)

Lots of love,

Update: Jan 6, 2014: Ms. Monique said that you danced in class today when "Shake your sillies out" was playing on pandora :) She asked me if you really like dancing. She told me you put down Bholu as if you needed both your hands :) I like her so much, she is so good to you.

I don't like driving in the night

Dear Vedant,

These days you seem to notice that when Amma and Papa are both in the car, Papa is the one that drives (99.9% of the time). The thing is, he is a better driver and I don't like driving on the freeways in peak times. You ask me to drive when I am in the car and I told you that "Amma doesn't like driving in the night.". Today, you were "driving" your pretend car (laundry basket) all over the house. Then you came into the kitchen and said to me "I don't like driving in the night. New game" :)

Then you were smiling too, naughty one.

Pre-school, Tough first weeks

Dear Vedant,

The first few weeks of pre-school were tough on all of us. You had difficulty communivating since you did not know a lot of English. Also it was your first time away from home. It did not help that you didn't go for only half a day, you were all of a sudden thrown in to a full day of school. We had also just returned from India. Anyhow, these few weeks have been rough, but you have been a champ. We are going in to the Christmas break and I know that you will do much better next year.

Loads of love,

Thursday, 12 December 2013

"Sweather Bathroom mein he"

Dear Vedant,

Today you were a really useful boy, reminded me of Thomas - a really useful engine :) I was lookign for your Black Mickey sweater and I had looked everywhere with no luck. I was just telling papa that I don't know where it is. All this was hapening in our bedroom and we were getting you ready for school. You heard what I said and then said (very calmly) - "sweather bathroom mein he". And indeed it was in the bathroom. We were proud of you and just thought it was cute :)

Good job kiddo.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

First Week of Pre-School

Dear Vedant,

You are asleep in bed right now. Today was Day 8 of Pre-school. You are doing so much better this week, today was great too. Thank you for being a great kiddo at adjusting to new things.

Week 1 was not so good. You were crying at drop off, during the day. It was awful to pick up a crying you. I think you had trouble with the language and also did not know that we would return at the end of the day to pick you up. My work is not so busy right now and it has been easier to pick you up early too. You are not learning much yet at School but just settling in is a good sign. Week 1 was hard on Papa and I.

Yesterday, Papa was reading a book and you asked him to hold the book like Miss. Monique does in School, facing the kids :) I was putting the "Hands are not for hitting" book in your School bag and you told me, "Amma, School me already books he". You are getting the hang of it :)

In a week you seem to walk around like you own the space. I love it. However, please stop the throwing toys phase - not cool. You and I had a talk about that today. Btw, Miss Helen seems to like you so. She laid down next to you and patted you down, stroked your hair to help you nap on Day 2. On Monday you were really sleepy and you said to Miss Monique "I wanna nap.". I am so proud of you and happy that you are able to communicate your needs. Be confident. Be gentle too.

Lots of love,

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Kerala Trip, Nov 2013

Dear Vedant,

We had a lovely, relaxing, so calm and refreshing holiday in Kerala towards the end of our India Trip. It was the best holiday in a longgg longg time. It was just the three of us spending time with each other, enjoying nature and peace. We went to this place called "Fragrant Nature" resorts in Kollam, 1 hour drive from Trivandrum.

The resort itself was so lovely, landscaped beautifully.It wasn't crowded at all. In fact, we used to sit in the same spot for our dinner each night and were usually the only ones. You got pampered by the boys that were waiting on us. At every meal time you would play the pretend games of "What do you want from a store?" and bring "stuff" to us :) You just started this on your own.

Papa wanted to read the newspaper and you went downstairs with one of the boys and brought it up to him. So cute :) Daddy's little helper. I did a lot of knitting in this trip. I was making a sweater with Avva for Baby Shreya. One day you held the ball of wool and pretended that it was a phone. :) You put it on your ear and said "Haan bhaiya, aap kahan ho? Mein to bheta hoon, aap milne aa jao!". It was hilarious!!! Looked like you were copying Papa :) Also, to my suprise, when we were talking with Avva on the phone you actually asked her to come to Trivandrum. I wasn't expecting that at all!

A lot of other things also happened in this trip. I had told you sometime that when you were small you were in my tummy. So you told me to keep your bholu in my tummy, since he is "small". :) So cute :) We also played a lot in the pool, you and I. The water was just cool enough and the weather was sooo good, not like here. We were so comfortable. We played in the "baby pool" and the big one, the kids pool was safe enough for you to just walk around in the water, make bubbles, splash around. It was perfect. There was a volleyball in the pool and once you threw it very far and said "Vedu ne chakka lagaya" :) Champion singh.

Other masti was going downstairs and seeing the kitchen. You wanted to see the big bartans etc. Also, yeah, once you wanted water and you asked the waiter for it. He didn't understand you. You chased him all over the floor until he got what you wanted and came back triumphantly! He was so amused with your "Excuse mes" repeated over and over.

We did not do much sight seeing since it was a trip to just relax, but loved what we did see. You really liked the Elephant ashram visit, feeding them, taking a ride. We went to a beach, you did not like it very much. You kept saying "Why is water loud?". I think the sound of the crashing waves rattled you a bit. Papa went for a swim while you and I hung out at the beach making sand castles.

Overall it was such a relaxing trip. I would love to do one such trip every time we go to India, will help you understand our country better too. Or may be you will go hiking when you are older with your friends :) Let us see!

Lots of love,

Jan 26, 2014: You remembered that our driver in Kollam, Mr. Satish. You were watching Thomas and said "Mr Perkins is engine driver. Mr Satish drives a car". Quite amazing that you remembered that.

May 18, 2014: You saw a pic of a duck lazing around like Papa did on a boat in Trivandrum. You said "Duck is lying down like Papa". Again, I am amazed by what you remember. Kids have amazing brains and associations. Wow.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

E Handle he

Dear Vedant,

This was on our flight back from India to the US. You looked at the handle in the flight's restroom and suddenly said, "Handle is like E". It took me a few seconds to figure out what you were saying. And then I got it. It was so cute. You were so happy that I understood and at your own little genius :) I will love you always my little one. Stay happy.


Friday, 22 November 2013

Cookie, Cookie and more Cookie

Dear Vedant,

We tell you from time to time, that "agar aap xyz karoge to amma will be happy.".You took this to a whole new level when you said this today - "Agar aap mujhe do cookie doge to mein bahut happy ho jaonga.". I had to ask you to repeat it to make sure it is what you said :) It was so cute.

It is amazing how kids pick up not only words but entire languages, expressions from us parents. Makes me think about all the stuff I say, how I need to be more careful.

I will also always remember your expression and body language as you said it. You were leaning against a sofa, kinda looking down. After you said it, you looked up at me to see my reaction - essentially - are the Cookies coming or not :)

Lots of love chotu motu.

Chennai Trip, Nov 2013

Dear Vedant,

We had a lovely long trip at Chennai too this year. It did not start all that well with both you and I being sick when we left Gwalior. Also, traveling from Delhi to Chennai on a late night flight that got delayed, when we were both sick was hard. Lesson for next time - no late night flights.

But we had sooooo much fun in Chennai. It was one of my longest stays in Chennai since, well a long time :) Also, since I was going after Avva's accident, I wasn't sure how much we will be able to do. We did not do much, did not even go to the beach once, which is a shame, but we spent a lot of time at home. Your routine was to go down with Avva/ Tata at least once a day to look at the Banana Tree. You loved going up on the "Chat" with Tata to hang the clothes and then watch the Cranes on the buildings near by. You would call them "Cranky" :) Also, since Avva and I were doing a ton of Knitting for Baby Shreya (thanks to Papa for bringing lovely wool from Gwalior) you wanted to knit too. One day you criss-crossed your index fringers and told me you are knitting :).

You also ate very healthy south indian grub. (Papa - note please :D). Lots of daal-chaval, rasam and sabji. Even some dahi chaval! :) It was kind of hard to keep you entertained after the full on masti of Gwalior where there were more people too (Baba, Dadi, Bua, Papa, Ani Didi) and just me, avva and tata here. It got a lot better on the last two days when Priya, Divya and gee had come over from Sydney.

I bought the Matching Game puzzle for you and you really liked that. It had vegetables/ Fruits and their plants/trees on the other piece, you liked pairing them. The best part of the trip was you getting pampered by everyone, especially Sahana pinnamma's husband, Satish. He would lift you up on one foot and take you really high. I don't know how he did that, seemed so hard to me. Chinnaina tried the same thing and he took you only a little high and you said "Bahut high to dusre Uncle karte hen." Hahaha

For me the best part of the whole trip was a little get together we had in a hotel with everyone. Luckily, Venkatesh bhaiya was in town so he was able to make it. As were Jyoti bua, fufaji and her kiddo. She brought a Tee Shirt for you and you wore it immediately. You were so happy in your new clothes :)

Stay happy. Hope to do more such trips back home. I miss Chennai. This time I got to meet Vidhya aunty, a really good friend of mine. Was really happy about that.

Lots of love,

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Celebrating Diwali at Gwalior - 2013 Trip

Dear Vedant,

We are now in Madras, Chennai as it is known these days. We are spending time with Avva and Tatha. You are being pampered by them. You are also eating a lot of pappu annam and rasam :) Dad may not be too pleased!! :) Anyhow, I wanted to write about our recent time in Gwalior, where you were pampered even more silly!

Your day was usually the following: wake up, brush, one cookie, drop Dadi, go to a store with Baba, masti on choti chhat with Ani Didi/ Papa, bathe, lunch, story books with me, pick up Dadi sometimes, good afternoon ninnu, more masti in the evening, a cookie here and there :), dinner and bed time. You loved watching the cows from the house.

You also did Puja with both Dadi and Baba. You loved turning on the music in the Puja room the most. You also liked going to "Tulsi Mata" and lighting a diya there. Today, you recognized Tulsi pot on our chhat here. You said "Tulsi Mata he".
Another activity was "parking" the suitcases in your "garage". You loved wheeling the suitcases everywhere. This did get in the way of packing at times! More fun came from playing cricket and hitting "Chaukas" in the house. "Hot Potatoes" with Ani Didi was also fun. You also did a little bit of rangoli and then lots of flying paper planes.

When we were flying to Madras, I asked you what you liked the best about Gwalior home. You said "Choti chhat and Badi chhat". How cute :)

I am really glad we made this trip happen. It was great to see you enjoy Diwali in traditional Gwalior style. I hope you get many more chances to do this. We read the Diwali book over and over, so now you know that we pray to Ganesha and Lakshmiji for Diwali.

Sleep tight.
Lots of love,

Friday, 8 November 2013

Up set - Down set

Dear Vedant,

This was so funny.... I told you "amma upset he", because of something your did. You heard me, kinda reflected on it for a bit and then asked me, "aap downset kab hoge?". You asked his question in all earnestness, expecting me to give you a logical reply. You were not being sarcastic. Oh my, it was so funny.

When you are older you will see the pun here. Sleep tight.


Thursday, 31 October 2013

Good Morning Sir!!

Dear Vedant,

You are in bed, sleeping next to daddy dearest. This is one good thing (in a way) about being in Gwalior, we are all together at night. I don't have to put you in a crib over here. Anyhow, I wanted to record this really cute thing you share with Baba. He, being a teacher, said to you "Good Morning Sir!". You were so thrilled by it and now you keep saying "Good Morning Sir!" to him, even at night :)

It is quite cute to hear. Today, you said "Good Morning Sir!" to Dadi even.


P.S: Don't try it on me, won't end well!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

London Trip and India Calling!

Dear Vedant,

We are all (that is you, papa and me) are going to India for a long holiday of nearly four weeks. We are beginning this journey with a one night stop over for you and Papa at London where I have a conference that I need to attend (somewhat grudginglyL), but it has to be done.

London, even the one-nighter was super awesome. We all came over to the hotel. You had slept a little on the plane so you were not sleepy right away. I gave you a bath and you were radiant. You and I also caught a nice nap on the way to the hotel, so that helped as well. We took a little walk in the night and even that little walk was so much fun. I think, being in a city that Papa and I both loved, not being at home (no cleaning/cooking etc.) was so relaxing. It was a great start to our India holiday.

You loved the Red bus so much and wanted to go on one, but we did not have the time to do it; May be next time. You also liked the train, Papa and you left on the Heathrow Express the next day, Dad told you it was “Gordon Express”, made you doubly happy.

I was sad to let you go, but had to. I asked Papa to keep you “safe”. You came to Gwalior and were a happy kid except when you got hurt and asked for me. (P.S: slightly happy to know you need me!).

I am having a great conference, lots of launch celebrations, meeting friends after a long time. I am missing you a lot too and am telling myself that soon we will be together.

Lots of Love,


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Amma, don't make chai

Dear Vedant,

So the routine is the following:
1) Go to sleep in the crib
2) Wake up around 5 a.m
3) Come to Amma bed immediately.
4) Cuddle
5) Sleep

Now in the middle of steps 3 to 5, I sneak out to make chai downstairs. You told me today, "Amma, don't make chai tomorrow" when you were about to go to bed. I was puzzled for a bit, and then it came to me. You want me to be around when you wake up, you don't want to wake up alone in the bedroom.

Totally cute my dear. However, I can't always be around. I will always love you though. Perhaps if you learn to make chai, I won't need to go downstairs early in the morning! What say?


The lady said "Fremont, next Right"!

Dear Vedant,

Today we went to get to you a hair cut before our trip to India. You really needed it! I wish I had a before and after picture. The difference was SIGNIFICANT. I had my cute boy back :) from an unruly mess :).

However, the most important thing I want to remember is that you listened to the GPS lady, (which Amma uses a LOT!) and said "Lady said Fremont, next right". I was amazed! I had no idea that you actually listen to the GPS lady at all. And then, you remembered that Aarti Aunty lives in Fremont, we had been there the weekend before. You told me "Aarti Aunty home Fremont" :)

Yes, my dear. Doing big things, Amma is proud.

Love always,

I am back. We are good, for now.

Dear Vedant,

I have been *really* busy these past few weeks with work. I have been working on the biggest project of my career thus far. One day when you are older, you will understand. I was gone for 5 nights to Vegas for the launch and came back to you today.

You were soooooo excited when I came back. You wanted to show me everything. Amma, see Vedu mug. (really :)), Vedu hair, comb, etc. You started pushing my suitcase, and then remembered to hug me, and then smiled as you remembered to ask for your surprise. It was amazing! I was so happy to see you. You also said - "Amma, Friday aa gaya?". I brought back a Lion and an elephant stuff toy for you from Vegas - a shopping trip at 11:00 pm on the last night made exclusively for this purpose. You loved them, as expected. We are going to have a whole Jungle soon given your expanding collection :)

Also, I was so surprised to see that you have now learnt how to take off your T-shirt. Cool new skill! I missed it, but boy, is this going to help! I am proud of you, little one.

Lots of love, looking forward to spending a ton of time with you in India.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

So, you know the address?

Dear Vedant,

You did a "Big Boy" thing today, really surprised me. Yesterday, Aunty, you and I had gone to post office for some work. Today you said to me - "Junction Road pe Post office. Ghar ke paas big road to Montague he". And then you asked me what road our House is on, you forgot that one.

Really surprised me in the car when you said this. I had no idea you were listening to Aunty and I.

Good stuff, Love,

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Hamara Dillo!

Dear Vedant,

You naughty little boy. You deserve one put put on the bottom for this one. We were reading the "Good night Moon" book which has the Zoo Keeper puts all the animals to bed and the monkey lets them loose. So this book has the "Armadillo" which you turned into Hamara Dillo, Aar Mar Ka Dillo etc.

The video captures half the joy we both experienced! It was too much fun.

Lots of love,

Bum Bum Bole!

Dear Vedant,

Today we had such a good time listening to "Bum Bum Bole" from Taare Zameen Par on Saavn. You and I danced in the play room. You especially love "Dubba Gul" and "Chalo Chalo Chalo....".

It was so much fun. Looking forward to totally having fun with you. May be you and I will watch Comedy movies together. It can be our thing :)


Sunday, 29 September 2013

Watching the Fork lift in Costco

Dear Vedant,

We had our own private Fork lift demo in Costco today. Whenever we go to Costco, you want to look at the Fork lift. You remember that they have lots of them going around. You wanted to see them today too. So while Dad was shopping, you and I went to the back of the store to look for Fork lifts. We stood in a corner and were "staring" at the Fork lifts. A Costco worker came along and asked us what we were doing.I told him that you wanted to just see Fork Lifts. He then went out of his way to please you. He took out the keys and drove the Fork Lift around so you could see what it does. You were thrilled!

Happy to see you beaming.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Making up the "Monkeys Jumping on the bed" song

Dear Vedant,

You are being really natkhat these days. Today you were making up the monkeys jumping on the bed song to suit what you were doing. When you were jumping on the sofa, you were singing "One little Monkey jumping on the Sofa". Then you moved to the floor, playroom, amma, etc. It was so cute :)

You were giggling throughout and generally very cheerful. Remain this happy always.

Lots of love,

Monday, 23 September 2013

Mumma Monday bhi hogi

Dear Vedant,

We were together this weekend and I said to you that because it is Saturday, we can do such and such. Or that it is Sunday and we can take the afternoon nap together. And then, at sometime you said to me "Mumma Monday bhi Hogi". It wasn't really a question. It was a statement and then you were looking at me, waiting for me to say "Yes, Mumma hogi". Broke my heart.


Sunday, 22 September 2013

Sunday Good Afternoon Ninnu Together

Dear Vedant,

I miss spending time with you (pretty much always). Our weekend afternoon sleep is together, on Amma's bed. This weekend you said to me, "aaj Sunday he, and Vedu Amma bed me ninnu kar sakta he". Before I could say anything, you brought Bholu and Green blanket and made yourself comfy :)

Very cute indeed. If I could, I would hold you all the time.
Lots of love,

Friday, 13 September 2013

Wearing your Elmo night t-shirt

Dear Vedant,

You are now very aware of what you are wearing. I mean, you know that you are wearing Elmo or a truck. Today you wanted to wear the Elmo T-shirt (night suit) and sleep. You can even tell the difference between Carter's regular PJs and the night suits. The Elmo Tee is a little small for you. You wanted to wear it anyway. And then you said you want to go out in it. I am going to let you do that. No harm done. You can wear it if you like.

See you tomorrow. Hamare ghar ka chota baby.

Making strawberry with atta

Dear Vedant,

We had a lot of fun yesterday. You and I. We played around with atta. You said "vedu ko atta goondna he". So we made some dough. Then I reaching the heights of my creativity, we made a strawberry out of the atta. Aunty then made a Pear for you today. This evening you wanted to play with atta again. I told you I will make Grapes for you. Papa said he will make a watch for you. I asked you "aap kya banaoge". You said - "a big ball". :)

Perhaps tomorrow. Sleep tight chinu. Love.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Elmo brushing - every night!

Dear Vedant,

I don't know how this happened, when you figured you could do it too. Tonight, at your night time brush, you started singing the Elmo brush song. You moved like the kids in the video do, shook you head, smiled, giggled, it was so cute! You even had the tune down, including the big punch in the end. We both were laughing away :)

You love this song so :)

Lots of love,

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Feeding Aunty

Dear Vedant,

This was so cute. Innocent and naughty at the same time. You said to Aunty. "Aunty aap high chair me bheto, Vedu aapko khana khilayega!".

:) Aunty wrote this on the cloud for me to see later in the evening. So cute.

Lots of love,

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Thank god you are creative!!

Dear Vedant,

There is this soft, bendable, fluorescent green scale that you got at Chitra aunty's kid's birthday. You rolled it up and brought it to me and said. "Mumma chai piyo". I was so happy. I am not terribly creative, so I was actually relieved. I said to myslef "he is creative! Yeah!!!". :)

Amma loves you.Good night. You are asleep in bed now.


Saturday, 24 August 2013

Car so jao, phir kha lena

Dear Vedant,

You love your car so much. Today as we were coming upstairs from the garage, you were talking to your car. You said "Car, aap so jao. Phir uth ke khana kha lena, par aapke daant nahin hen. Amma, car kaise khayegi?". I had told you that the car needs charge like we need food :)

You tucked your first wheels to bed and then came upstairs.


Thursday, 22 August 2013

Driving your shiny Mini Cooper!

 Dear Vedant,

You had a ball today driving your mini cooper. Bua and Fufaji gave this to you before she left to India. Today, we took it outside for the first time. This was a target parking lot. You had so much fun with it. Papa was helping you with "Thoda left, stop, right etc.". We also sat on the big O outside the target store. You and I usually sit there and watch the cars go by. And then we make our way to the big round concrete balls, where I have a "designated" one to sit on, as do you. Dad was catching up today :).

I was telling Papa that in 14 odd years, he will be teaching you to drive, again. :). Finally, you had to do your thing. You told Papa, "thoda, left, right etc." on our drive back home! It was hilarious! Here are some pics for you (and I) to remember this day by.

Lots of love,

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Papa is in the airport

Dear Vedant,

Just when I came back from San Diego, Papa had to leave on an APAC trip. You seem to be missing him as do I. However, there is something differnet about your behavior this time. I think you realize that since he packed, he is away for a bit and will be back soon. Even today you took out three books, one for amma, vedu and papa. and then you said, when Papa is back, "Vedu papa ko de dega". And then there is "Papa fix it." This is you telling me that "don't worry, Papa will fix it.".

The house is quiet now that Papa is gone, but he will be here tomorrow. Yipee!

The pic is the last one I took of the two of you before Papa left. And the title is because you tell everyone "Papa is in the airport" if they ask you where he is :)

Monday, 19 August 2013

Off to the Pool

Dear Vedant,

You were so happy today because I took you to the pool. You always ask to be in the water, something I am not able to make happen as much as I'd like to. However, we did it and, boy were you pleased!

You wore your new swimsuit (which is thanks to Rohini Aunty) and we were ready for the pool. You said to me "Off to the pool" and there you were, marching away, beaming from side to side.

We had fun in the water. Have to get you lessons next year.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Zoo trip with Sesha Mama, Rukmini Atha

Dear Vedant,

We were at the zoo today with Sesha mama and Rukmini atha. Sesha mama is avva's brother. So for you they are Avva-Tatha. I told you new avva and tatha are coming and we are going to the zoo with them. You were looking forward to it.

We had fun with them at the zoo. You loved the Giraffe the most I think. Later I asked you what animal you liked the most, and you said "Leopard.". I wasn't expecting that. You were also doing what is called "galata". You pointed to tatha and said, he is Avva and the other way around. You were giggling throughout.

Here is a pic for you to remember the day.
Lots of love,

Friday, 16 August 2013

Kids[in] Day

Dear Vedant,

Today was Kids [in]Day at work. I work at LinkedIn now, we have a day a month that is given back to the employees to do something that they want to do. Each [in]Day has a theme. My favourites have been "Next Play", "Culture" and Kids [in]Day.

We had a good day at work today. We came in around 10:30 am and went to the bounce house. You did not like the bounce house. There were too many kids, some not so gentle ones. We had lunch (you had roti) with Miss Vu and Cara. You liked that. We also tried "Karaoke" for the first time. I was nervous! I don't know why, but I was. You were most interested in the ball, not singing or lyrics. Then we spent some time in the kitchen with Miss Vu. She got you colourful cheerios, which you loved!

All in all it was a good day. I don't know if I will get a chance to bring you to my work again, so I want to remember this one.

Lots of love,

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Vedu ko ice cream chahiye

Dear Vedant,

I was away in San Diego on a work trip. I called you from there, we chatted on the iPad. Aunty asked you, "Mumma vedu ke liye kuch surprise laaye?". You said "Yes". I asked you if you wanted a cookie. And you said, "Ice Cream". This was the first time you ever asked for ice cream.

I think it is because we had ice cream for Aunty's bday recently. That is where the idea must have come from. Cute. I thought of buying ice cream on the way over. You forgot all about it when I came home, so I just had a cup by myself :)

Lots of Love,

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Giraffe ka home in your Blankie

Dear Vedant,

This was one of the cutest things you did. You found a Giraffe finger puppet in Ayush uncle's home.You carried it all around with you. You nestled it (like a baby) in your blankie and said, "Giraffe aapki godi me he". Then you spread the blankie and said that it was "Giraffe home". Then you laid down the Giraffe right in the middle and said you will have your milk in "giraffe home". It was so adorable.

The innocence, the love, all of it. Love,

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Loving Puris!

Dear Vedant,

This picture speaks a thousand words to me. You love your Puris alright. We had gone to Stinson beach today, it was so much fun! More on that will come soon. On our way back home, we went to chatpata corner to grab some Dinner. You loved the puris there. You were also really good about not crying etc. We left you at the table to eat your Puris while we enjoyed Pani-puris. I was worried about leaving you alone, but Dad being a giraffe, could spot you :)

lots and lots of Love,

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Cheerios - You are such a loyal fan!

Dear Vedant,

You are still such a big love of Doodh-Cheerios. I give it to you sometimes for breakfast and feel immensely guilty because it is not nutritious, but you loovvvvvve it.

I have proof right here. You are enjoying breakfast on a Tuesday morning.
Lots of love,

Monday, 15 July 2013

Baby, Vedu ke liye book pado

Dear Vedant,

This was another one of those one liners that made their way to the cloud. Vivek kaka, Dipali kaku and Vidit had come over for Dinner. This was two weeks before they left for India. Anyhow, I asked you to bring a book for Baby. You brought it, lay down next to Vidit on his blanket. (A whole new post can be written about your fascination with blankies, including those that belong to other babies!). And then you said - "Baby, Vedu ke liye book pado". It was hilarious!

Love you my little funny one,

Watching TV

Dear Vedant,

We recently lifted the embargo on your TV watching. You are now allowed to watch - "Caterpillar" and "Thomas" for approximately 20 minutes every evening. I have always been worried about you getting addicted to TV like most kids.Somewhere, I just wanted to keep this complication out of our lives. I am also wary of ever combining food and TV. So, I will not be found saying "Finish food and then TV", these are two unrelated items. Even so, you have taken to TV like a fish to water. Your favourite is the "Firey Flynn, a fire engine in Thomas.". You want to see that all the time. I find that you are not interested in trying out new episodes, which worries me sometimes. And then, I tell myself, and I can actually hear your papa saying it in my head "He is not looking for the tallest tree". :)

Here is a pic of you, all into the TV. Btw, you want to cuddle and nestle as you watch TV. Reminds me of me :)

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Big Boy Bed!!

Dear Vedant,

Congratulations to you! Look at you, the gleam in your eyes, the sheer happiness on your face. So cute! Today was the first night in the big boy bed. You made the transition fairly easily. You have always been good about these things. Also, we made a big deal about this. We patted your back, made you feel like you did a great job and focused on how cool it is to be in a big boy bed.

Just love this pic of yours,

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Sleeping with Elmo and Bholu

Dear Vedant,

It has now become a tradition to sleep with Bholu singh and Elmo singh. You always want them in your crib. We share the blankets with them. And then after, I kiss the three of you :) You always ask for "so many" kisses, "round and round" ones. Elmo and Bholu get one each :).

Sleep tight chinu.


P.S: I am hoping one of these days you will move to a toddler bed.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Papa, the best feeder in the world!

Dear Vedant,

Papa has been so patient feeding you healthy food these days. I hope you always remember that. He makes up all these stories and stays patient while you delay the process of eating on your own. We were doing good with it, but are not anymore. We need to go back to it and we will. However, in the meantime, please know that Papa and you have been having a lot of fun over roti, sabji and “No Daal” J

Lots of love,



Dear Vedant,

These days its all about size, and the bigger one is Mumma, the smaller one is Baby. Aunty gave you two servings of Dahi in one go, one was slightly bigger than the other. You said "Mumma Dahi, Baby Dahi". You said "Mumma poopoo, baby poopoo".

Too funny mister, too funny. Love,

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Aunty aapki Aushadi kahan he?

Dear Vedant,

This was absolutely funny, Aunty even wrote it on the word cloud that I made at home. If you say anything funny, it goes up on the board for me. 

We have been teaching you the Hindi alphabet using a book I brought from Madras. It says “Au” for “Aushadi”. You have really picked it up. You asked aunty “Aunty, aapki aushadi kahan he?”.  You have also noticed that we giggle like crazy when we hear it, so you say it even more. You natkhat chotu motu.

Lots of love


Looking out...

Dear Vedant,

This is where you are most days, saying bye to Papa and me, watching FedEx, UPS or any other trucks going by. I just want to remember this pose, looking out, many times waving, many times just watching silently. I love sitting here with you and waving at the Garbage truck or something else that totally grasps your attention.

May be, one day, actually for sure, I will watch you leave and a part of me will break and be only put together when I see you again.

I Love you.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Wearing your Elmo nightsuit

Dear Vedant,

You love Elmo, as well all know by now. I was looking for summer night suits that would ensure that you have a layer on, without making it too hot. And Elmo was first choice. You were so excited when you wore these. You jumped all over the bed, with joy. You were too happy really. 

Loved seeing you so thrilled and happy. Lots of blessings to you.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Summer Picnic 2013

Dear Vedant,

We had a lovely time during Summer picnic 2013 with Dad and my friends and their kids. We all met at Lake Elizabeth in Fremont on a lazy Saturday. We were the first ones to get there early to grab a spot. I had made cream cheese pinwheels. I spent a long time on Friday night, preparing them and making sure we don’t forget anything. We also took pao bhaji with us.

You were the only kid the spoke fluent hindi, which everyone is impressed by. However, you couldn’t interact with any other kid. I saw that you played cricket a little but then got left out of the crowd. You played with the sand toys on your own. You also didn’t want to share them. I had given an elmo fruit to Cathy ,but you snatched it from her, which made her cry. I made you apologize, which you did. However, that was not nice. I hope you stop doing this in the future. I have to work on this. Its my job. You did not want to to share the sand toys, you kept saying "Sand toys share nahin karna", "baby nahin dekhe" etc. I am finding it hard to explain to you about sharing. I think you get it, but you are petrified that someone is going to ask you to share your things. Anyhow, thats for another day.

You really bonded with Rosie and asked for Rosie didi the next day as well. Even when we were in Houston, you asked for Rosie didi. So cute! May be, having been around Arshia so much, you are more comfortable with a “didi”.

It was really nice to spend the day like this, being lazy in the park. At the end of the day, we went to a creek we found there and spent a lot of time, just jumping in the creek. I would have never entered the creek, but I did because of Nisha aunty. I am really glad I did. It was cool, natural and very relaxing.
Hope we enjoy many more such summer picnics my dear.

Being that it was really hot yesterday, we are all so tired today. Just lazing around the house. You are sleeping upstairs, on the mattress, not in the crib. I am hoping after you see Anurag, you will mot to the toddler bed and be happy in it.


Friday, 28 June 2013

Plain Sorry bolna he

Dear Vedant,

This was positively funny but yet something we are working on. I am training you to say “I am sorry” vs. just “Sorry” since I really want you to mean it when you say it. I don’t want you to just say the words without really feeling apologetic. I had read somewhere that appending the words “I am” makes a ton of difference. Anyway, you did some gadbad and I asked you to apologize. You said “Sorry”, and I insisted that you say “I am sorry”. You then told me, in a sobby tone “I am nahin bolna, plain bolna he”. 

It was hilarious! I had to bite my tongue to stop laughing! I don’t know how you came up with it. It comes from eating “plain” roti and chaval, but too cute the way you used the words.

Stay cute, but don’t get too smart little one. Lots of love cutie pie,

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Too big. Yes. T.O.O Big.

Dear Vedant,

This is Amma officially logging a complaint. You are now too big. Who allowed this to happen? I feel pride many times when I see you do the right things, but at other times, I want to hold you real tight, not let you go. Chipkoo would be the right word actually :) And then, as soon as Papa comes back, you are gone! In a blink! Bahut pyaar aa raha he. Be a good boy.

My laddoo. My favourite laddoo. This conversation went like this.

Vedu: Mumma Vedu aapka kaun sa laddoo he?

Amma: Kaun sa Vedu?

Vedu: Favourite wala ... (big sheepish smile :))

Yes, you are my laddoo. my golu and molu.

Lots love, sleep tight,

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Fascinated by the Escalator

Dear Vedant,

We went to the airport to drop Bua off recently and you saw the Escalators properly. You are really fascinated by them. Just before going to bed you said "doosra wala kharab tha. vedu ko escalator me jaana he." We went on the Escalator a few times just for fun, you loved it. you are not at all scared, while I always watch my step when I am about to get off :)


Play Date with Cara!

Dear Vedant,

We had a lovely play date with Cara, Miss Vu and Mr Robert at our place last Sunday. It was really nice to have them over, you were a good boy all the time too. We played the Sneaky Squirrel game and read a few books. Cara and you were not really able to speak to each other much given that you don't speak English much. You are more comfortable with Hindi. In a couple of years though you two will be able to hang out with each other. Btw, she is an angel. You were being a bit mean about sharing, she was such a darling. It was fun to see the difference in how you two were spinning the wheel. You gave it a nice whirl, she was so gentle with it. Boys will be boys I guess. :)

I made Dosas, aloo sabji, suji halwa and papa fixed Aunty's sambar. It was nice to have a meal together while the two of you played. Looking forward to many more play dates :) I will make sure you have the nicest play dates at our place. I will be the mom who brings yummy goodies and then disappears :) I will sneak in a look every now and then to make sure you are not up to any mischief :)

Lots of Love,

BTW: Miss Vu is amma's bestie. You be nice to her :)

Friday, 14 June 2013

Board Games Fun!

Dear Vedant,

Today we played our first board game. I am really happy about it. The game we played is called "Counting Chickens". I was so surprised by your ability to stay focused in the game. You did not lose attention, you were very excited to play it through the end. This is a co-operative game, we win/ lose together. I don't know if you got that part, but you followed my directions to a T. You turned the spin wheel nicely and moved the chicks home :)

Great times ahead! Have to get a picture.

Lots of Love,

P.S: This was important enough to make it to my Facebook post :)

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Diwali Car se aayegi?

Dear Vedant,

This was so funny and cute! We were looking at the beautiful kurta sent by Bhavna Bhabhi for you. You wanted to wear it right away. I wanted to keep it new for Diwali. So I told you, "Jab Diwali aayegi, tab aap pehan lena.". You nodded, kinda agreed. We both kept the kurta back properly in the suitcase. Then, as we were coming downstairs you asked me, "Diwali car se aayegi?"!!!!!

It was hilarious! I need to buy the Diwali book that Viji pedamma has. It would be great to go to Gwalior so you can enjoy Diwali at home. We will see what happens as we get closer to the date.

Chalo, sleep tight chinu.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Talking to me before going to bed

Dear Vedant,

I am coming back to write this one down after a while but I do remember what happened. You were in your crib, this was when the crib was still in our room. So Didi was still in town. I had sung Elmo, twinkle stars etc to you. I was about to leave and you started talking to me. You said "Vedu light bhi nahin todega, door bhi nahin todega, drapes bhi nahin todega, kuchhh bhi nahin todega, good boy banega". Your eyes and hands went around the whole room and you said it with such a sweet voice.

Just something that brought a smile to my face.

Lots of love little one,

Saturday, 1 June 2013

First Train Ride

Dear Vedant,

Your first train ride, well kinda first. The very first was when we hopped on the Airport shuttle juts for the fun of it when we went to drop of Dwarak peddanaina in Feb 2013. This time also we were headed to the airport, but we took the train from Mountain View to Milbrae. You were happy to be in the train. To my surprise, you were most curious about how the doors opened automatically and closed at each station. You were not that interested in the stations themselves or anything else inside the train :).

It was a good journey. You remembered the experience for a few days.
Lots of love,

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Photoshoot in Summer of 2013

Dear Vedant,

We did a family photo-shoot in the summer when Bua and Ani were here. You were soooo excited at the time. You were giggling, jumping around and just refused to sit still. You were not being difficult (as in crying/ throwing a fit/ being angry etc.). You were just too happy to be still.

I really like this pic of Papa and I giving you a kiss. You look so happy.
Lots of love,

Monday, 20 May 2013

Vist to San Jose Gurudwara

Dear Vedant,

I don't have a picture of this, but I do remember how our trip to the Gurudwara went. This was your first trip to one. You wore the yellow kurta and white pyjama to the Gurudwara. It was so nice to see you run around the Gurudwara, a little boy, my boy. You came and sat in my lap for a bit and then went over to Papa's side. It was good, felt like a family.

Lots of love,

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Mumma Dreams dikhaye..

Dear Vedant,

When I put to bed, I utter a lot of sweet nothings.. from "Good night, sleep tight chinu, see you in the morning, sweet dreams" etc. You have really caught on to "dreams". You said to me today, "Amma dreams dikhaye?". And then I said, you need to sleep to see them. You said "Jab Vedu bada ho jayega, phir Mumma dikhayegi". :)

So very cute! You also said, "Sweet dreams" all day today.

May all your dreams come true, and if they don't, I am sure God will have wonderful plans anyway :)
Sleep tight kanna, Love,

Friday, 17 May 2013

Hanging out at the beach on Memorial Day Weekend

Dear Vedant,

We made a trip to San Francisco to show Bua the Golden Gate bridge, Union Square etc. We sat by the beach for a long time. It was a really nice day, the weather was just perfect. I think this is the first time you really liked being in the beach. You liked touching the water and getting wet. The only downside was that you got drenched from head to toe when you had a mis-step. You did not like that at all. For a few months after you were a bit scared of going into the water.

We would have really nice pics, Papa was also in a great mood to take pics and we posed happily, but unfortunately, the camera did not have a memory card. :(.


P.S:You and I are going to become really good swimmers over time my dear. Next summer: swim lessons!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Haircut at Little Scissors

Dear Vedant,

Your hair has always been beautiful, long and may I say, like mine :) Papa and I both like you in your long hair and have resisted getting you a hair cut. However, now that summer is here, and you are no more a baby, further your hair was getting really long, I got you a hair cut when I got back from India. Your last hair cut was traumatic (you cried a lot, I hated how it turned out, your precious locks were gone!!). This time, I took you to Little Scissors in Fremont. They did a fabulous job! They have car chairs etc. to distract kids and have a massive TV with a cartoon running constantly. You sat in a yellow car and it was over in less than 10 minutes, no tears at all. I was so relieved. Finally, you look like a boy. a very cute one at that!



Sunday, 12 May 2013

India Trip and the dichotomy in being a Mom and a child.

Dear Vedant,

My two week trip to India to take care of Amma has been a learning experience. When I left, I was really sad to leave you and go. Through out the journey, I would see other kids and ache to see you. I was also worried about Avva. As soon as I saw her in the ICU though, I knew immediately that I did the right thing. She needed me, so did Thatha. She was not in good shape at all. And I think, for the first time, I saw Thatha rattled like that. I don’t know what it was. Anyhow, I did as much as I could and took care of them both. And Geethu peddamma came and took over from me.

I am returning, with mixed feelings though. When I was leaving them to board my plane in India, I felt great pain in leaving them behind and then the great joy that I know awaits me at home. It is a strange feeling. One day I will tell you, how I sort of came of age at the fag end of this trip. One day, you will too. I will be there for you then too, as I am now.

Lots of Love Kanna, see you soon,

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Chatting with you from India

Dear Vedant,

I missed you terribly when I was in India. I had to leave to take care of Avva. You and I chatted using Facetime on the iPad pretty much every day. You would not let me hang up at all. I saw you in tears once when I was about to hang up, heart breaking L I think for the first time, I felt physical pain like this. Once you hugged the screen, kissed it too. I would show you Banana and Mango and entertain you. You realized that Thatha was there and so was Avva later. You saw the fan and sort of knew where I was. When Geethu peddamma came, you surprised everyone by saying “Geethu Peddamma Amma ke right me he”. Seeing you on the iPad kept me going. And in a few hours, I will get to hold you again. I plan on holding on for a long time.

Lots of Love,

Sunday, 5 May 2013


Dear Vedant,

I had to leave you back in San Jose when I left to take care of Avva when she had her accident. When I was gone, Papa took you to Disneyland, we had planned to go with Bua when she had come to the US. I think you had a great time. I asked you what you liked the best about Disneyland and you said, "Mickey.". You liked a Mickey Mouse toy that you got at Disneyland. It had lights, and a little fan. Ani had the same thing in Pink, a minnie mouse.Oh the fights you had over this little thing!


Saturday, 27 April 2013

It's sab eat time Vedant - Papa

Dear Vedant,

Papa is so good at feeding you, I want you to know that. Whenever, things become difficult, which they do when you refuse to eat sabji or daal, or roti entirely, papa steps in. He has a way of making up stories, most recent ones are “is bite ke andar pata kya chupa he?”. It used to be sugar, but now it is “Protein!, carbo!”. Haha. He askes you “vedu mila?”, and you nod happily and say “Yes!, mila”.

Always remember papa’s love.


Friday, 26 April 2013

Loving your shades...

Dear Vedant,

Off late you have really started loving your dark glasses. I brought these ones for you from a LinkedIn conference in Oct 2012. In the beginning you never liked them, in fact, in the summer of 2011, I tried to make you wear sunglasses, but you would have none of it. Now, however, you really like them. I think you started liking them after our trip to Yosemite, when you saw Bua wear hers. You also keep them on top of your head just like older people.

Just a cute phase like others. I let you wear it when you want to. 

Amma Pretty. Papa Handsome :)

Dear Vedant,

This is our little game, you and I. Amma and baby. I taught you to say “Amma is pretty, Papa is handsome.” You, naughty you, twist it and ask me “Amma handsome.” And I go “noooooo but noooo”. Your eyes are always gleaming when we do this J Most recently, I have now started doing what papa calls “Reverse psychology”. I say “Vedu, amma handsome?” and you say “No! Amma pretty!!”.

We also include Viji peddamma, sid nana, bua, everyone in it. I LOVE this phase of silly games. Makes me very happy, I also feel that I am able to connect with you via these little games.

Hugs & Kisses,

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Writing to you makes me feel good

Dear Vedant,

Just want you to know that writing to you makes me feel good. I hope you enjoy reading these when you are older. Also, I hope you find the same joy, comfort in writing when you are older.


Parenting with Love and Logic

Dear Vedant,

I am reading this book right now and it really speaks to my heart and mind. When I mentioned to Robyn, a friend at work that I am reading this, she said “That’s perfect, that’s exactly you, love and logic”. I felt so good J The book talks about four things:

  • Teaching you that you are a great person, "self-concept"
  • Sharing control with you
  • Helping you to "think" for yourself
  • Teaching you to be responsible, "consequences"
The book also mentions, several times, that we should keep anger, frustration out of the disciplining effort. It is going to be hard to do, but I think that is really what is needed. Especially for me. Last week I fired you, perhaps the worst you have got for taking the artificial flowers and playing with them. I also got mad because I thought you were going to hit Anika with them. I am sorry. I should not have done that. Next time, I will follow the book and do the “Uh-oh” routine, with Love.

Lots and lots of love to you kanna. Wish I could hold you right now and give you a kiss.

Missing you so much..

Dear Vedant,

I am missing you terribly right now. I am flying to India right now to see Avva. I haven’t told you yet, but Avva was hit by a motorcyclist and had to undergo a hip replacement surgery last night. She will recover, I am certain, but I need to help her and Tatha out. I feel really bad about leaving you, missing you, my heart feels so heavy L However, I also know that you are a strong boy and that you are a generous boy. I know that you will understand that Amma had to go and I am so looking forward to holding you again. I gave you a million and more kisses today and will give you more when I am back. I watched a sad movie, read a parenting book (more about that later), and all that makes me miss you even more. I am watching all the other parents on the flight and I think that they are really lucky to have their kids with them. The folks whose kids are crying might disagree ;)

Aunty, as usual, is going to take great care of you while I am gone. Papa will have the hard task of putting you to bed without me, it seems the days go by fine, it’s the night that is harder. I will be back soon, All my

love and kisses to you.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Goodnight hugs, goodbye hugs.

Dear Vedant,

I am really glad to see you become a loving boy. I have been teaching you to say “Jai jai, good morning, good night, bye bye” to avva-tatha/ dadi-baba on the iPad. We also made a routine of it with Aunty. And now you do it yourself. When Aunty is leaving, you ask for a hug and Kissi. Tonight, when we were leaving Bua-Fufaji’s place, you said “bye bye” to everyone and I asked you to give Ani didi a good night hug. You hugged her, said “good night” and then hugged Fufaji and Bua too. They all loved it J 

I am hoping that you will grow into a kind, generous, loving man. Dad might have other ideas though! He says “mere bête ko sissy bana diya”. I know he is happy too about your good behavior, I will leave it to the two of you to figure out the “masti” bit when you are older. I know Dad is going to spoil you in his loving, special way J


Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Sponge painting with Amma

Dear Vedant,

You had been asking me for a couple of days “dip karke color karna”. I am not sure where you saw it being done. Perhaps you saw it in Gymboree or the Children’s museum. I have to ask Aunty – note to self. You and I did it today. It was so much fun! You chose what shape, what color to go with and where to put it. After your turn was done, I’d ask for my turn. The first time you were a little reluctant to share but soon you got the hang of it. You would do it once and then give it to me and say “ab amma turn”. It was nice. 

I even hung your art work in the house. I wish I had a picture of it, I do not L. You showed it to Papa and Aunty too later. Great memories in the making. You asked me to do it again this morning, Amma didn’t have time today kanna, I will do it after I come back from India.

Lots of love

Holding Elmo in the Elmo chair

Dear Vedant,

This picture was you and I working together. We were doing a group hug and then you told me, “Amma Elmo photo?”. I said OK. And then you tried making the elmo on the mat, then on the chair, then you sat on top of Elmo!!! Finally, I said, what if you sat first and then Elmo sat down, you really liked that idea.

Here is the pic I took with my cell phone. You look so cute with you lovely locks of hair. When I am back from India I will get you a hair cut.


Making decisions, Good ones.

Dear Vedant,

You have recently been making some good decisions. Just today, we were at Fufa ji’s place. I gave you a few cheerios so that you are not too hungry before dinner. Just when dinner was about to be served you started eating your cheerios again. From the looks of it, you were going to finish the whole thing, make a meal of it. For a second I thought of pulling it away from you and then I rememebered the story of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. I then reminded you of how the caterpillar got an ouchie after eating too many cheerios. You thought about it for few seconds and then handed me the cup and said “Vedu no ouchie”.

You have no idea how happy I felt. Not because you let go of the cheerios but because I love how YOU made the right decision. I won’t always be near you or be able to make right decisions for you, but knowing that YOU will do it on your own, makes me feel so happy.

Lots of love, blessings,

Monday, 22 April 2013

Yosemite 2013

Dear Vedant,

We had a great holiday in Yosemite this weekend. Yosemite is a national park about 4 hours from our home in San Jose. I couldn’t believe that, some place so green, so natural and preserved would be so very close to the home of technology and innovation. 

We stayed in a little cabin, made of wood. We were supposed to stay in a tent, but papa, knowing that I wasn’t keen on roughing it out J got us upgradedJ. It was our little place under the sun. Bua, fufa ji and Anika also came with us. You got attention from one and all and were basking in all the love. My most favourite memory is of Ani didi, as you call her, wheeling you around in the High Chair. This happened in the lovely dining hall, where we pretty much reserved a spot for us. She would take you to say “Hi” to the bear and bring you back. You loved it!

You also liked the “Waterfall, pani wala, big big”, as you described it. I can picture you flapping your arms for “big big” J. You wanted to see the waterfall again and again. You behaved very well though, to my utter happiness. When it was time to sleep, I said, it is ninni time, please come lie down and you did. Also, sleeping while hugging you was priceless joy! We did plenty of “ghusi ghusi” sleep.

We also played in the snow; you threw snow balls in the water. However, one thing really freaked me and Dad out. You wanted to play in the puddle and you ran towards one next to the road, it was really scaryL. Thankfully, no cars went by then. At that time, I gave you a time out, I wish I hadn’t now. I hope you know why, I was really scared.

Source of your good looking genes :)
Also, Mr Vedant Agarwaggi, we lost you for a bit. I thought you followed Papa and he thought you are with me. You were however out there bringing spoons and forks for everyone J I just bought a backpack with a safety harness for our trip to Disneyland. You are going to be on a short leash my dear.
