Monday, 1 December 2014

Day 1 at Stratford!

Dear Vedant,
You were sooooo good today. I am so happy for the great start to your new school.
Much love,

Dear Vedant,

I am coming back to finish this on a Saturday morning. Armed with a cup of tea, while "my silly boys" are sleeping upstairs. More on the "silly boys" later :)

You have been such a good boy, adjusting so well and so quickly to your, yet again, new school. I had taken you one day just to show you around, we just walked through the play structure etc., so you would be more familiar with the school on the first day. You cried then. I had to explain to you that I am not going to drop you off. On the "real" first day, you were so different. I think it really helped to show you around once before. The first drop off was excellent. You were a little sad, kind of moist eyed when I was leaving, but that's it. It seems you participated in the winter show practice etc., all on your first day! I was so happy.

Yesterday was your first performance. It was so cute. You were standing there, following the rules. I could see you were overwhelmed with all the adults there, but you did a great job. No tears, no running away. I was really proud of you. Papa pie is bummed that he couldn't be there, we will show him a video of it today.

In general, you seem much happier now that you are going to school again. India was really good in terms of spending a ton of time with family, but you did not get a chance to play with kids too much. Especially on the first day, I could see a clear difference in your mood, having played with kids. You have also been eating relatively well. We are trying to incorporate more fruits in your diet. You have been great with that. I need to be more patient with you. You have been eating a good lunch too. The only thing I have noticed is that you don't nap in school. You looked so tired on Thursday, I put you to bed after we came home. It was hard to wake you up later in the evening, you wanted to sleep more.

Anyhow, we are all getting adjusted back to our new routine. I have gone back to LinkedIn part time. I really want to spend as much time with you as possible and minimize the time you need to spend away from me. You are still my little baby, two years away from proper schooling. We are all trying to make this work for us.

You are the apple of our eye. Love you so much kanna.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Sleep routine

Dear Vedant,

Your sleep routine is real easy these days. You brush, use the restroom, wear your PJs and read books. After that, you happily settle down to sleep. Tonight you woke up in between, told me that the pillows should be touching and then went to bed. That was it. :)

Sleep peacefully, love,

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Diwali 2014

Dear Vedant,

Happy Diwali!!! Many many blessings and best wishes to you my dearest one.

We just celebrated the day in Gwalior with baba and dadi. The highlight of the day was certainly the besan laddoos that you had, homemade, no less.

You were quite sleepy in the evening and didn't participate much except for the sea shells game. I think you likes that. You went to bed soon after dinner. You didn't ask for a book or story, very unlike you.

You liked my sari. You made me wear a green bindi because it's "your" favorite color. I told you it doesn't match with my sari, you told me its OK :). It seems next year I will get matching one :)

We have been in Gwalior for a couple of days now. You are having so much fun! Your fabourie seems to be hanging out with baba in the choti chhat. May you get to make many more fun memories with grandparents. I didn't have that growing up and I am so glad you have loving grans.

Lots of love chinu.

P.S.: you are not letting me take pics. Not fun. 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Friends are fun!

Dear Vedant,

You made your first friend at the park today. Usually its just you and I hanging out, I focus all my attention on you but I don't think it's as much fun as it can be for you. Today was different. You finally said hi to Nikita. You said, " hi, we can play together".

You were so happy. I've never really seen you that happy at the park before. It was awesome. I hope you remember this experience and learn to make new friends in the park, in school, wherever you are.

Lots of love,

Monday, 15 September 2014

Is Livlin's hat pretty?

Dear Vedant,

You have just started going to India Community Center preschool. You cried a bit on Day 1 and Day 2, until I found out why. You were not happy that they are asking you to eat fruit. I told Ms.Rave that you don't need fruit in school since you ate them for breakfast already. Since then, the crying has stopped. And you actually enjoy it :) I am soooo happy! Since we came back from Houston, I think you really needed some school, just 3 hours to spend with kids of your age. Glad we have that now.

We had an interesting conversation about Livlin, a girl in your class today. She wears a Patka.

Me: Who did you play with today?
Vedu: Livlin and Shashank.
Me: Who is Livlin? The girl with the hat?
Vedu: Yes, its purple.
Me: Isn't it pretty?
Vedu: No
Me: Why? I think its pretty.
Vedu: It doesn't have any stickers on it.
Me: If it had stickers, it would be pretty?
Vedu: Yes, or a stamp.
Me: What about a bow?
Vedu: yes, Bow is OK. Or a photo.

:) I couldn't believe that you have all these ideas now. Amazing how your little brain works.


Saturday, 6 September 2014

Visit to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park

Dear Vedant,

We just came back from a lovely trip to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National park. It was the break from home and routine that I enjoyed the most. You enjoyed being silly with Papa the most. Dad pampers you silly, plays with you until you are laughing out loud, breaking out in giggles. He took you to throw stones in the Kings river, you enjoyed that a lot. We added a bit of science to it. We threw little twigs in the water to show you that wood doesn't sink. You understood that but though
throwing stones was wayyyy more fun! :)

Lots of love,

Addition on Sep 21: Dear Vedant, Just wanted to add something you said. We were driving back from a lovely dinner in downtown San Jose. We saw many Light Rail trains on the way back. You mentioned that Thomas is small and that Gordon is big, like the long train that we saw on our way back from Sequoia National Park. I was amazed that you remembered that. I need to pay more attention to your words. I am so glad I was listening and not just saying "yes yes".
Outside Crystal cave's Spider Web gate.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Hug Papa Tight

Dear Vedant,

You said the cutest thing today. You hugged Papa real tight in the morning and told me to also hug him. And then you said, "High him tight so he doesn't go to Google". :)

So sweet. I feel so lucky that you are so lovey dovey at this age. I know I will miss this when you are older. And yes, you made Papa feel so special!


Monday, 25 August 2014

Lesson learnt, this time for me

Dear Vedant,

So, you might know this already by the time you read this, but your mom is Type A. Essentially, I am almost always chasing this goal of all work done, such as house clean, tasks done etc etc, so much so that sometimes I get stressed that you are awake already in the morning. Yikes! I know, the thing is, I want to do everything possible before you wake up so I can spend undivided time with you. But, finally as Papa might be thinking, I am now at peace with this. It has taken me a good part of my sabbatical but since last week, I am just happy that you are up, regardless of what the status of household work is. In spite of my best efforts, it just is never over, and I am trying to be ok with it.

So, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you will see a cheerful me again. Lots of love chinu singh.


Saturday, 16 August 2014

You are happiness.

Dear Vedant,

You are such a bundle of happiness at this stage, its amazing. You are always happy, chirpy, enthusiastic. Sometimes I feel I should bottle your happiness up and save it for you. Like when you are down about an exam, mending a broken heart or something. It will help you then. I hope you always remain happy, this happy. Its exhausting and reinvigorating all at the same time.

God bless you dear.
Lots of love,

Friday, 15 August 2014

Laughing out loiud with TV

Dear Vedant,

I have been noticing a change in you. These days you laugh out loud when you find something funny in Thomas or Barney TV shows. You have watched some of these shows before but you never giggled like this before. Now, you immerse yourself in the show and laugh out loud. It is so fun to listen and watch you :) I tried taking a video but you got all conscious.

Lots of love,

Saturday, 9 August 2014

hanging out at the Apple store

Dear Vedant,

I am writing this as you and Papa are hanging out at the university avenue Apple store. You are playing your first video game, well, iPad game. Papa is showing you the ropes. You look very happy. Trigger happy :)

Papa will teach you many things in life, especially how to have fun. Lots of love to you.


P.S: you asked for more papa time today. So this is timely. Apparently you are getting enough mommy time. :) I am also happy with the time I am getting with you. It's a blessing.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Great couple of days... barring your reaction

Dear Vedant,

We have had a great couple of days. I spent so much time with you. There was no yelling (I hate that and feel so bad for having shouted at you.) You have also been a good boy. Being that it was the weekend and Dad was hope obviously helped. We have all been together. Tata is also with us at this time.

Yesterday, I made you a chef hat, fashioned from some paper and scotch tape. You lvoed it! Now you are my sous chef and I am the "master" chef :) You have been helping in the kitchen since.

This morning however, was not good. You had an allergic reaction to something. Dad suspects that it is an old massage oil. I am really not sure. I almost hope its the oil because that would mean that it is not a food allergy. I will test it on you a week or so later. Also, you have been such a trooper. Brave little boy. You got a bit scared when I asked you to lie down in the hospital, other than that, you were such a hero. I am very proud of you. We gave you benadryl, made you feel better. Papa stayed home, more for me I think :) It really helped. Kept me worry free knowing that he was around. You guys played busy aiport game to no end.

Lots of love,

Saturday, 31 May 2014

The New book is here!

Dear Vedant,

So as you may know by now, I print all these letters to you in a book, I did the first book from Birth to 2 years and the new one (2 to 3) just arrived today! We looked at it together. It was so nice! I had a gleam in my eye as I saw it and I think you realized that. You asked me, "Is this special"? :) Yes, it is very very special.

It is really the shot in the arm that I needed to finish up the pending blogs. I have over 30 to write, I make little notes to myself, reminders about things I need to write about. And the memories come rushing back to me, I feel purged, so relaxed after writing them all, sort of like I have "processed" the events, the moments.

Back to writing with a bang!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Family Picnic Day

Dear Vedant,

Today was such a special day for both Papa and I. Your school celebrated parents with a Family School picnic day. All the kids made gifts for Mommies and Daddies. You made them for us too. It was so sweet. I will always remember this day.


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Your identity

Dear Vedant,

It was Benjie's bday in School today. You got cookies and were happy about that. You said Benjie is your best friend. And then, you proceeded to tell me, "I am a Sting Ray. I am not a Sea Otter.". This distinction was very important to you. It felt like it was part of your identity.

Knowing oneself is the best thing, keep at it.

Finally, I am satisfied.

Dear Vedant,

I have taken a three month sabbatical from LinkedIn to spend more time with you, take better care of the house and all of us and slow down in general. A month has passed by already. We couldn't do a lot of the fun things I had wanted to since you have been sick at least two out of the last four weeks. I was also down with Sinus related issues, still have them but so much better than last week.

But even so, I actually feel satisfied. I mean, for the first time ever, I feel I have gottena ton of time with you. The constant feeling of not getting enough Vedu time is gone. We are all eating better, I am giving you a bath every day (wasn't happening before! sorry! it was crazy!), the house is cleaner, eating more meals at home etc. I am happy. I will make it even better soon, we have been house hunting. Once that ends, one way or the other, I would like your preschool to be closer to home and then I can pick you up in 4 hours or so. Would like you to nap at home,eating lunch in school has its advantages (but for the microwave).

But happy in general. You don't understand what is happening in a way. You ask me when I pick you up if I went to LinkedIn and when I say no, you are like, why? :) You will get it someday.

Lots of love,

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Love you loads my dear

Dear Vedant,

Today is Mother's Day. A day that perhaps Hallmark/ Archies invented and like every other festival in this country (and the rest of the world is getting there) is a big marketing event. It is when most sales happen, most retail business is done after Christmas. I was amazed when I first found this info - from my days at ShopSocially, a start up I worked at. No pressure on you to get me something :) You are free! A call, a hug, a kiss will make me happy.

Anyhow, the economics of this aside, it was nice to spend the day with you. We had a day full of family reunions and then some down time at home. Karthik Mama was over (visiting from Atlanta) and it was so nice to hang out with him. We went to Venkat Mama's house and as usual had yummy food made by Saras Aunty. The conversations were brilliant, about old times. You played with Vikram bhaiya, he shared his old thomas trains with you. I wonder if there will be day when you share your then old train set with a kiddo :) I know the time will fly by, and I will wonder when you grew up.

Hoping to spend a lot of time holding you, nurturing you, teaching you, cuddling you.
My dearest boy in the whole wide world, my precious one. Amma loves you a lot.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Having real conversations on the Phone

Dear Vedant,

I see a step change in the way you have conversations on the phone these days. Suddenly, they have become very clear and determined. You ask questions and respond to them as well. Mostly you speak to Papa. Off late, you also want to speak to Anurag and Viji Peddamma. :)

Growing up my dear. Love,

Thursday, 8 May 2014

No sounds, no phonics.

Dear Vedant,

So you are not interested in learning the phoinics. In fact, I am beginning to think that you hate it. I guess i have introduced it too early or too fast. Either way, you are not enjoying it. I was trying to do it so you could learn to read on your own. However, I know I need to back off for now. We will go back to it when you are ready.


Thursday, 24 April 2014

Ms Monique says "I don't know"

Dear Vedant,

You little rascal, you imitated Ms. Monique today. It was pure fun but a tad evil. You shrugged your shoulders up and down and mimiced her. It was too cute.

Here is for you to enjoy.


Friday, 18 April 2014

Can you kiss me round round?

Dear Vedant,

This was so totally cute. Sometime today, I think before your nap, I was asking you for a kiss. You didn't give me one, but I gave you a few anyway. Then you asked me, "Can you kiss me round round?", which means, I kiss your whole face going in a circle. :) I gave you a few of those too and you were so happy.

lots of kisses to you.

Edit: We did this today also (the 19th of April). And, it was after we read the "Elmo loves you" book, and hence the kiss :)

Pain in my heart...

Dear Vedant,

I felt so bad today. You had really high fever, 103.6 and you were really uncomfortable. You have been having an ear infection and fever since Sunday night, but nothing like what happened today. You were crying and telling me that your fingers are hurting. I felt so bad, until now you were just lying down when the fever was high. No tears. I can't your tears of pain. That made me feel so bad :(

Get better soon. Lots and lots of love.

Perfect Day...

Dear Vedant,

You are in bed, asleep, taking your afternoon nap. I am sitting downstairs, on the sofa. It is a lovely afternoon. I can hear some birds chirping, the day light has filled the house. It is quite perfect.

We had a great morning together, barring your fever/ persistent ear infection. You have been such a trooper through this. You have been having fever since Sunday night and it is Friday afternoon today. Just one time you were crying since you were so uncomfortable. But other than that, you have been such a brave boy through it all. Papa brought your new antibiotic this morning and I gave you that and Ibuprofen in the morning.

You had breakfast, then we played the Buzz game. Then we took out the trash, did laundry. Aarti aunty called so I was on the phone for a bit. And I gave you a bath. You had nangu time (with the ABC blankie :)). Then we got dressed, had lunch. While I made rotis, you did 4 puzzles in the LeapFrog (Alphabelly) book. Then we ate, went for a small walk and off to bed.

Pretty perfect I think. Peaceful. We cuddled, I did not rush you to do anything, and you had a healthy lunch too.

Lots of love,

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Easter cards fun!

Dear Vedant,

We had so much fun making easter cards for all your friends. I missed not doing it for Valentine's. You weren't interested in doing it for Valentine's either. Perhaps you got more interested since you got cards for Vday from your friends.

We made a list of all your friends, taped an egg to each card. You gave it to your friends the next day. I made one for you too, just so you don't feel left out. Chloe's mommy left you a sweet thank you note for the egg.

Overall it was a nice activity to do with you. I hope you discover the joy of giving and really enjoy it.


Innocent Lies

Dear Vedant,

Its Sunday. Papa and I were in the kitchen, cooking dinner. You were coming in and out, filling your sippy cup a few times. I had a feeling that you are making a mess, not drinking it but putting it somewhere. Here is how this conversation went:

Amma: Did you put the water somewhere?
Vedu: No
Amma: Are you drinking it?
Vedu: Yes
Amma: Can you show me where you put it?
Vedu: Carpet (without a pause!!!) HAHAHA

That was soooooo funny! And cute! To my credit, I did not go ballistic. I just told you not to play inside but that you can take it outside and play with it :). That was so cute though, simple honest truth. You didn't even realize that I tricked you into telling me the truth :) Poor baby.

Lots of love,

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Week of the Young Child

Dear Vedant,

This was the week of the young child in Wonder Years. Each day had a different theme. Monday was "wear your fav color day", Tuesday was "Rainbow day', then there was "animal theme", Thursday was "Sports theme". Friday was PJ day and you got to see a movie in school. Every day was so much fun. You decided not to wear rainbow colors but you were clear that you wanted to wear Red, since it is your favourite color. You were also very clear that you wanted to wear a sports theme outfit as well as a PJ on Friday. You were one of the very few kids that wore the animal prints outfit on Thursday, it was a big hit with the Teachers. I got a very cute pic of you and Ms. Monique this week, but unfortunatley I can't find it anywhere. I hope I find it somewhere and can upload it here.

I asked you what your favourite day was and you said it was "Sports day". You really liked the bounce house that the School had brought in. I have a collage of you from this week in school, perfect way to remember this week.


Monday, 7 April 2014

Dark wali roti...

Dear Vedant,

This was so cute, it happened on a Monday. We were likely playing around and at one point, I said, I am gonna go make dinner. You, out of the blue said, you want "Dark wali roti". We did not expect that at all. I hadn't asked you what you wanted. I had just announced that I was going to start dinner. Papa asked a couple of questions to understand what the "dark" means and we gathered that you wanted a Paratha, the triangle one that I make which has some dark spots.

First time you asked for something specifically. Also, memorable for me since I love Parathas myself, and they were the first dish I think I nailed :)

#So cute.
Lots of love,

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Banian pic - like a good Indian boy :)

Dear Vedant,

I was really keen on takign this pic. Somehow, the two of you, i.e., Papa and you wearing a white Banian reminds of Indian Papa-son moments. You also realized that you were wearing a banian just like Papa. You said, no tee, just banian like Papa :)

So cute. Lots of love,

Your first poster :)

Dear Vedant,

We hung your very first poster in your room today. It came from the Easter book. It had a nice folded poster in the back. I didn't know the book came with it, glad it did. I asked you where you would like it to be hung and you chose your room. We put it up there with much fan fare :). It was nice to see you happy with that.

For me, this was a sign of things to come. I know you will hang many other posters in your room, who knows what/ who/ which sport you will be a fan of. Whatever it is, I will be around to encourage (as appropriate :)).

Lots of love,

P.S: My first poster was that of Martina Hingis in 1995/96. Begged for it from my librarian, it was a part of a sports magazine in India. Sportstar may be.

Monday, 31 March 2014

My bday in 2014

Dear Vedant,

I had one of the best bdays ever with you and Papa this year. Papa and I took off from work. We dropped you off to Wonder Years, caught a movie, picked you up. Bought a cake, red because that's your favourite color from NothingBundtCakes. Papa bought a flag and all, so you loved it! You blew the candles off for me :) You had a biggggggg slice, just like you wanted. It was a great day! I loved spending time  with two of my favourite boys in the whole world.


Sunday, 23 March 2014

Aapka Baby yahaan he

Dear Vedant,

You did the cutest thing ever, with a spark in your big eyes and a cheeky smile across your face. I was looking for you and said "Vedu, where are you?". You said from the corner that you were in, "Aapka baby yahaan he". So cute! And naughty, you little fellow.


Sunday, 16 March 2014

New game! More fun!

Dear Vedant,

We have a new game going on right now. When we go to a restaurant, we play with the menu. I cover a section of it with my fingers and ask you to look for Idly, Dosa or whatever it is that they are serving. The first time we did it in a Fremont restaurant, you found it a little hard, it was also hard to get you interested. But then, you got the hang of it.

Now you ask for this game whenever we go to a restaurant. The other day you wanted to do this at home, I was holding a newspaper/ flyer or something like that :).

#FunStuff #GrowingBigger

Friday, 14 March 2014

Getting late...

Dear Vedant,

We have been rushing out the door for the past few days, almost weeks now. It is hard to get you dressed, ready and fed in time.And I am usually getting late for a meeting. It doesn't help that your pre-school is a good 25 minutes in traffic. Also, doesn't help that we are not getting up sooner. I had tried (real hard) all through December to make sure that you get to school for circle, now I have given up. It was causing me too much stress. And I was passing that stress on to you.

Anyhow. Today, as usual, we were trying to get out the door, without forgetting your lunch/jacket etc. You wore your shoes ahead of me and then started going downstairs while I was tying my laces. You said, "I will go and open Garage because we are getting late". The whole sentence, exactly like that. It made me feel glad that you are helping, but more importantly it made me feel sad. Sad because, I did not have to rush through things in my life until much later, and it is becoming a part of your life very very early in life. :(

My sabbatical is coming soon. I won't rush you, not for unnecessary things. I promise.


Monday, 10 March 2014

Am I a Tiger Mom?

Dear Vedant,

We have been doing so much work in the little workbooks I get for you from CostCo, Target etc. You work on Letters, Numbers, Shapes etc. It has become a routine these days. You enjoy matching puzzles the most.Following that would be stickers related activity. You like writing/ tracing shapes and letters too. Numbers aren't your favourite right now.

We have been doing so much that it made me wonder if I am a Tiger Mom? :) I try to go easy on you and follow your lead, at least most of the times. It is hard, now I realize, to be a teacher that follows the student and not the other way around.

Keep learning, keep having fun.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Half laddoo... So Proud!

Dear Vedant,

I was dropping you to School when this happened. You had breakfast before we left and kept a laddoo for the ride. As you were eating it, I think you realized that you were full. We reached school and you hadn't yet finished it. For a second, I thought you are going to force feed yourself and then I told you that your tummy might ache if you eat it. Also, I told you that if you want, I will keep your laddoo safe and you can finish it in the evening. You then, made the choice of keeping it safe and finished it in the evening.

I was so proud of you. For listening and for making the right choice. Good job kanna.


Thursday, 20 February 2014

Thank you my dear.

Dear Vedant,

This has been a tough week for us. Papa got detected with a second round of strep throat. You and I went to Kaiser near your pre-school for a precautionary exam. This was our second time of getting a test done. You knew the routine that we have to open our mouth wide, say aa and that it would hurt a little. You asked me "Khasi kyon aati he". I tried explaining it to you and asked you to be brave. I told you it will help you. You asked me if I will hold you, i said yes. Then I asked you if you will hold my hand for my turn to help me be brave. When it was my turn to do the swab, I had forgotten about our conversation. But you hadn't. As soon as the nurse picked up the swab kit, you came near me and took the cell phone off my hand and held it real tight. You were so cute, took on the role of "the man" for a bit.You were so in the zone, standing tall, broad shoulders. :) My little guy, you were a big boy for a bit, taking care of me.

Lots of love,

Monday, 17 February 2014

Rhyming and Matching Games

Dear Vedant,

We have started doing Matching games a lot these days. I bought some pre-school workbooks to keep you engaged. Initially, I just wanted to try it to see if you like it. And you sure do. I think you like doing the letter puzzles, rhyming words, doing patterns. You don't like the numbers very much. I am trying not to push you but just offer you options so you can choose to do this if you want. And I love spending time with you like this, just you and I focused on the book and having fun. Its quite fun.

Lots of love,

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Bubble Bath Masti!

Dear Vedant,

So, I am really sorry that it took so long for me to find the time to get Bubblebath for you. I know, I know, it has taken three years, but hey, you had a ball today. So much masti.

Here is a pic to remember the fun filled day :)

Friday, 14 February 2014

Will you be my Valentine?

Dear Vedant,

So you had a rocking Valentine's day my dear. You got so many cards, from Hannah, Hailey, Eva, Chloe, Claire, Frida etc. So cute. We have one really popular boy in the house :) You also liked the party in School. We got up early and made heart shaped sandwiches with Cheese in them for the party. You were so excited about that.

It was fun to do this with you.You were telling me about your "party"later, feeling all grown up. I love organizing these things for you and your class. I hope to spend a lot of time being really involved in your school life and education.

Happy Valentine's Day Vedu Singh!
Love, Amma

Monday, 10 February 2014

Only this book. No amma, only T.H.I.S. book.

Dear Vedant,

So this is not very cute I must say. You are now being really specific abotu the books you want to read. Essentially the Christmas book. You want to read it over and over again, every night. You don't want to try any new book. This is really out of character for you. Usually, you lovvvvvvvve reading the new books. You get so excited when the Amazon box comes home, but not these days. You are so not interested in new books. You pick the books these days, the valentine's one gets chosen sometimes.

Sometimes it is irritating but perhaps its just a phase. Hopefully this will pass, coz, really, I have had enough of the same books. Please :)


Sunday, 9 February 2014

Money... needs and wants..

Dear Vedant,

I am so proud of you today. You made a really wise decision, and made it very calmly, matter-of-factly. I was really happy.

A few days ago, you and I went to Target. I was looking for Glue. You saw some crayons and you wanted them. I explained to you that I only have a limited amount of money. I can buy crayons but then we won't be able to buy Glue. And then I told you that you already have crayons but you don't have Glue. I let you think about that and then asked you if you wanted Crayons or Glue. You chose Glue :)

Today we were at Sears (for a photo story I am sure Papa will tell you about :D). You saw this Elmo Tee-shirt. You really wanted to buy it. It was terribly cute too. However, before I could say something you said. "Hamare paas Elmo Tee-shirt already he, we don't need it." And then, you put it back. I was so so proud and happy. And impressed.

Really well done bache. Papa and I will continue to teach you about Money, needs and wants. I am really happy with the start we made today.

Good job, love,

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Mommy's little helper just got better!

Dear Vedant,

You just became an even more useful boy to have around when shopping! Usually you are so eager to help me out. You run all over the Indian store ferrying the things I pick and putting them in the cart for me and coming right back to me for more :) It is so cute. I get such admiring looks from all the people when we shop together :). Today you became even more useful. I taught you about shopping lists and helped you count 5 things we needed on your fingers. You kept reminding me in the store for the five things. So cute and fun!

Lots of love,

"But I want to Talk something". - F.A.I.L.

Dear Vedant,

I am so sorry Kanna, I wasn't a great mom today. So very sorry my dear baby. I was rushing you along for School and then I had to go to work. We have been missing circle time so much and I get late to work, barely get enough time to make your breakfast, feed you breakfast, make lunch and get both of us ready to work. Today, I was hollering at you to wear your shoes quickly and you just looked at me and said - "But I want to Talk something", I felt so bad then, like I wasn't allowing you to even speak, making you into a robot or something, just being on time. I am so sorry kanna pie. Will not happen again.

Lots and lots of love,

Preparing for Valentine's Day

Dear Vedant,

We have been preparing for Valentine's Day, coming up soon. Given our experience with Christmas where you did not quite know what is coming, I want you to be prepared with the ritual/ festival that is coming up. We have been reading Valentine's Day books, reading about hearts etc. We read this book about Families and I taught you about big and small families, things we do with our family etc. You seem to have caught on that we have a really "small" family. :)

Cute, Love,

Addition: May 14, 2014. You have been learning about families in School this week, ahead of the Family picnic. You said to Ms. Grace that your family is really small :) I told her where it was coming from and we were laughing about it. :) You also took the book to School and read it with your friends. 

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

A valentine's card for you.. only you

Dear Vedant,

I write this with a wonderful feeling. I don't know how to describe it. I am not elated. Happy doesn't cut it. Neither does joy. Perhaps contentment comes close. Peace too. The more I think about it, peace is what it is. A sense of completeness. What soon followed this was a feeling of a sense of responsibility/ a bit of guilt even.

Valentine's day is coming up and I have been reading a couple of Valentine's day books with you. I do not want you to be caught unawares/ be scared like you were when Santa came to School. We have a book where everyone is making cards for their friends. I asked you today who you wanted to make a card for. You said "only for you...not for anyone else." Not even Papa. (Papa - not trying to make you feel bad :)).

I will always remember the expression, your body language. The clarity of your thought. I asked the question a few times today, at different instances, in different ways, the answer was always the same. And your tone, is like you are not expecting anything in return. Not even Love. You just want to make it, that's all. I wish we adults could love each this way, completely without expectations. Unconditional.

That was your love tonight. You made my day my dear and grounded me too.
Lots of love, always.

Off to school with big boy Byes!

Dear Vedant,

Today I worked from home and Papa dropped you off to School. For starters, you were really happy going in the Beamer vs Camry, not sure when you picked up that the Beamer is cooler :) Even I don't care which car I am in. One day I did not know which one I was sitting in, it is really the last thing in my mind. Anyways, so you went to School after eating your breakfast, wearing your school shoes, with you lunch and feeling all important. You sat in Papa's car, came around and said "Bye Amma, I love you" so loudly, so happily, it felt as if its my college-going son saying Bye to me :) You sounded happy, confident and comfortable. It was precious and cute.

Lots of love,

Monday, 3 February 2014

Get well soon kisses

Dear Vedant,

I had a sinus headache and you were so loving and kind. You gave me "Get well soon" kisses on your own, all around my head where it usually hurts me. 

Thank you kanna pie. So sweet of you.

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Dear Vedant,

We had such a good time today doing an impromptu picnic, just the three of us. Papa came up with the idea and you just rolled with it. We packed our lunch (pav-bhaji), took a chatai and went to Lick Mill park near our old service apartment. We had so much fun, lazing around in the sun, enjoy a lovely meal. I think we should make this our tradition and do it more often. You will love it for sure.

Lots of love,

Friday, 31 January 2014

Bumblebee honey banati he...

Dear Vedant,

You come up with the most funny things to say and they are so hard to counter/ explain away. Today you said - "Honeybee honey banati he and Bumblebee bumble banati he?" I had been teaching you about Honey bees making honey from flowers and this is what you came up with. :) It was so cute and logical. And funny.
You laughed away like crazy after you said it too, like you knew that you had said something really funny. :)

Funny man. Love,

Sunday, 26 January 2014

So you know the whole book? All the words? Wow :)

Dear Vedant,

I don't know when you did it and really how long you have known this all along. Today, I was putting you to bed and you knew all the words in the "Goodnight Goodnight Construction site" book. You and I sang them together, in unison. You remembered all the words, pauses and everything perfectly. It was so cute :) I was impressed my dear. :)

This book is a staple in our collection, we return to it quite often, especially at bedtime.


Saturday, 25 January 2014

Hands are for?..........Cell Phones

Dear Vedant,

We have this book called "Hands are not for Hitting". This book suggests lots of uses for hands, such as Hands are for Waving, Shaking hands, putting on your clothes, eating etc. Papa and you have this thing of "rough and tumble fun" going on usually and you were not very gentle. Papa was telling you to be gentle and he wanted to remind you of the book and said "Hands are for.......". You filled the blank with "Cell phone!".

Sad, but true reading of our times. Hopefully, one day you will say "Hands are for Books".

Lots of love,

Friday, 24 January 2014

Feeling so content.

Dear Vedant,

It was late at night, about 1 am. Papa and I just finished watching a movie called "Wolf of the Wall Street" on the iPad, in bed. As soon as it ended, you got out of the crib, walked straight like an arrow, a man on a mission to me, and slept on top of me. Yes, on top. Specifically, you like your head to be on my tummy :) And that was that. No conversation, just aim at the target and be there. A little later, I moved your head to my arm (which felt numb soon enough :)) but it was so peaceful. I felt quiet and satisfied.

You looked happy in your dreams.

Lots of love,

P.S: I worry about missing this when you are all grown up and gone. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday my love!

Dearest Vedant,

Happy Happy Happy 3rd Birthday to you!!! So happy today :) You turned a big THREE today :) We all had a great time blowing out the candles, cutting a cake with you.

Although, again, you were not well :( You were really sick with a cold, cough thing. It was sad :( Papa had to go away to a conference, he left late so that we could cut the cake together. And boy! you loved the cake so! Your little eyes totally lit up when you saw the cake. You were SO HAPPY. it was really nice to see that. You blew the candles, and we all sang the happy birthday song. You liked the song so much that you made me sing it again and again throughout the day. Papa also brought a huge cookie for you, you gorged on it :) Some lovely pictures from the day are here. After Papa left, you and I listened to many Happy Birthday songs on the iPad, with the video and all :) I asked you late at night at bed time, about what you liked best about today and you said "Cake and song" :)

We did not do a celebrationg this time again. You did not really want it. We will do something funnext year. And hey, no falling sick, ok? :) We gave you the Buzz bee board game, we played a few rounds today. You seem to like it, don't get it yet though. Also gave you the camera, that seems to be a bigger hit :)

You and I also went to the Flag restaurant for dinner, it was nice and relaxing. Most people stare at an Indian mom managing a calm Indian kid in there, they can't believe it :)

Please remain like this, cute and cuddly. Papa and I both love you very very much. God bless you always.
Be happy, healthy and loving. That's a pic of me looking (and feeling) so happy and content. You are the reason for that happiness. Also a pic of you giving papa a kiss back, after you got one for your birthday. I love the tenderness of this pic. That is pure love :)

lots of love, proud of you :) Happy Birthday!

P.S.: You didn't want to share the cake :) I had to convince you :) We also did a little celebration in School after a week or so, when you got better and went to school. Again, had to convince you to give away the CakePops :)

Monday, 20 January 2014

Blankie for Fish?

Dear Vedant,

We have been going to the hospital a lot for our cold, cough situation. There is this aquarium in the doctor's office and you always watch the fishes. Today, you asked me how they go to sleep and if they get a blankie for sleeping :) It was so cute.

Your curiosity at this stage is amazing. As you grow up, it's important to keep this innocence and curiosity and not take things for granted.

Lots of love,

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Cookie Cookie everywhere

Dear Vedant,

So its all about Cookie. This can be a response to any question. It can be the name of anything we see around us. :) The word cookie falls out of your mouth more often than anything else in the world.

I am also calling you a cookie :)

Lots of love,

Friday, 10 January 2014

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Dear Vedant,

I was dropping you to School and you asked me, "Why do I have to go to LinkedIn and Papa Google?". I usually explain this by saying that each of us has a "job". Like the fireman or the postman. Or your Aunty. Or the Teacher. You seem satisfied when I tell you this and don't worry anymore. Today, I asked you what you want to be when you grow up and you said, "A Gingerbread Cookie Man." :)

I shared this with Ms.Monique and she said, "So he just wants to be a Cookie! Cool!" :) We had a good laugh.

Lots of love,

Monday, 6 January 2014

Laptop back from the Garage

Dear Vedant,

You have been taking a keen interest in our Laptops, perhaps the 10 day shutdown had something to do with it. We have been having a tough time disciplining you over this, also we feel this is not a good area to put up a fight. So we decided to bring back your laptop toy from the garage. You have been loving it so far! You especially like that it sings, "This is your home computer". Almost always, you ask me "why it says home computer". It also sings a special bye song when you shut it down, today you were singing it as you closed it :)

You really seem to enjoy music. You were singing "Bye bye bye.. Aa Aa Aa". Once I have more time (I am working on some plans here ;)), I will take you around for a Music class.

Love, sleep tight,

Not enough kisses today.

Dear Vedant,

You are in bed now, asleep. As is papa. I put you to bed and was getting some "me" time before I get to write about this. I missed you today, did not spend enough time with you or get enough of "Vedant" for today. At bed time, I told you the Hungry Caterpillar, Elmo loves you on my own. You would have gone to bed without this, the truth is, I did not want to leave you. I wanted to hold you longer and hug you more. You were also very active this evening, not tired at all after school. But listening to these two time tested stories you were all ready for bed. You then asked for "Twinkle Twinkle little stars". I sang it for you. Then you sang it for Bholu and finally one more time for me. I felt all special :) It was so cute. Not melodious :) but cute.

Lots of love chinu,

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Eating Apples, Strawberries! Yeah! (Fingers Crossed!)

Dear Vedant,

You are asleep right now, taking your afternoon nap. Papa put you to bed today, you guys were playing with the new wooden blocks before that. Papa made a tunnel, you used your flashlight to look through it. It was cute.

Back to the Title, this post comes with great gratitude, almost not believing that you are actually eating fruits. Thanks to Papa, of course. He made eating strawberries so much fun. You guys hulled them with a straw, I have to post a video of how that is done :) You showed me how to do it too and then since the rule is, "if you hull, you have to eat it", you had your strawberries. You also had apples dipped in honey, half an apple which was so good to see.

We have to keep at this. I asked Ms Monique if she can help us and she said yes! God bless her. It would be awesome to see you eat fruits happily. We also need to set the right example of course.

Lots of love,

Let us build it. Let us build it. Let us build a word

Dear Vedant,

A couple of days ago you watched "WordWorld" for the first time. I showed it to you yesterday as well and you really seemed to like it. Just for memory's sake, this is a cartoon show where letters of the alphabet come together and become the word they are spelling out. So a B, O and X come together and lo and behold! we have a box :)

Last night, we were all hanging around the sofa in the night and you started singing "Let us build it. Let us build it. Let us build a word :)". You feel so conscious if someone watches you, so you stopped but I kept singing and then we went to the playroom to "build" words with the alphabet. We made box, hug, bug, hi and then "hi papa". In the end I was going to make the word "bye" before we went to bed and you read my mind :) I had taken the "b" out and you said, let us make "bye" :) It was so much fun.

And the fun continued upstairs...
"I see it. I see it. I see it ont he floor" - for your pillow
"I love you. I love you. I love you in the night"..

You were giggling and were happy. So was I.

Lots of love,