Saturday, 27 April 2013

It's sab eat time Vedant - Papa

Dear Vedant,

Papa is so good at feeding you, I want you to know that. Whenever, things become difficult, which they do when you refuse to eat sabji or daal, or roti entirely, papa steps in. He has a way of making up stories, most recent ones are “is bite ke andar pata kya chupa he?”. It used to be sugar, but now it is “Protein!, carbo!”. Haha. He askes you “vedu mila?”, and you nod happily and say “Yes!, mila”.

Always remember papa’s love.


Friday, 26 April 2013

Loving your shades...

Dear Vedant,

Off late you have really started loving your dark glasses. I brought these ones for you from a LinkedIn conference in Oct 2012. In the beginning you never liked them, in fact, in the summer of 2011, I tried to make you wear sunglasses, but you would have none of it. Now, however, you really like them. I think you started liking them after our trip to Yosemite, when you saw Bua wear hers. You also keep them on top of your head just like older people.

Just a cute phase like others. I let you wear it when you want to. 

Amma Pretty. Papa Handsome :)

Dear Vedant,

This is our little game, you and I. Amma and baby. I taught you to say “Amma is pretty, Papa is handsome.” You, naughty you, twist it and ask me “Amma handsome.” And I go “noooooo but noooo”. Your eyes are always gleaming when we do this J Most recently, I have now started doing what papa calls “Reverse psychology”. I say “Vedu, amma handsome?” and you say “No! Amma pretty!!”.

We also include Viji peddamma, sid nana, bua, everyone in it. I LOVE this phase of silly games. Makes me very happy, I also feel that I am able to connect with you via these little games.

Hugs & Kisses,

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Writing to you makes me feel good

Dear Vedant,

Just want you to know that writing to you makes me feel good. I hope you enjoy reading these when you are older. Also, I hope you find the same joy, comfort in writing when you are older.


Parenting with Love and Logic

Dear Vedant,

I am reading this book right now and it really speaks to my heart and mind. When I mentioned to Robyn, a friend at work that I am reading this, she said “That’s perfect, that’s exactly you, love and logic”. I felt so good J The book talks about four things:

  • Teaching you that you are a great person, "self-concept"
  • Sharing control with you
  • Helping you to "think" for yourself
  • Teaching you to be responsible, "consequences"
The book also mentions, several times, that we should keep anger, frustration out of the disciplining effort. It is going to be hard to do, but I think that is really what is needed. Especially for me. Last week I fired you, perhaps the worst you have got for taking the artificial flowers and playing with them. I also got mad because I thought you were going to hit Anika with them. I am sorry. I should not have done that. Next time, I will follow the book and do the “Uh-oh” routine, with Love.

Lots and lots of love to you kanna. Wish I could hold you right now and give you a kiss.

Missing you so much..

Dear Vedant,

I am missing you terribly right now. I am flying to India right now to see Avva. I haven’t told you yet, but Avva was hit by a motorcyclist and had to undergo a hip replacement surgery last night. She will recover, I am certain, but I need to help her and Tatha out. I feel really bad about leaving you, missing you, my heart feels so heavy L However, I also know that you are a strong boy and that you are a generous boy. I know that you will understand that Amma had to go and I am so looking forward to holding you again. I gave you a million and more kisses today and will give you more when I am back. I watched a sad movie, read a parenting book (more about that later), and all that makes me miss you even more. I am watching all the other parents on the flight and I think that they are really lucky to have their kids with them. The folks whose kids are crying might disagree ;)

Aunty, as usual, is going to take great care of you while I am gone. Papa will have the hard task of putting you to bed without me, it seems the days go by fine, it’s the night that is harder. I will be back soon, All my

love and kisses to you.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Goodnight hugs, goodbye hugs.

Dear Vedant,

I am really glad to see you become a loving boy. I have been teaching you to say “Jai jai, good morning, good night, bye bye” to avva-tatha/ dadi-baba on the iPad. We also made a routine of it with Aunty. And now you do it yourself. When Aunty is leaving, you ask for a hug and Kissi. Tonight, when we were leaving Bua-Fufaji’s place, you said “bye bye” to everyone and I asked you to give Ani didi a good night hug. You hugged her, said “good night” and then hugged Fufaji and Bua too. They all loved it J 

I am hoping that you will grow into a kind, generous, loving man. Dad might have other ideas though! He says “mere bête ko sissy bana diya”. I know he is happy too about your good behavior, I will leave it to the two of you to figure out the “masti” bit when you are older. I know Dad is going to spoil you in his loving, special way J


Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Sponge painting with Amma

Dear Vedant,

You had been asking me for a couple of days “dip karke color karna”. I am not sure where you saw it being done. Perhaps you saw it in Gymboree or the Children’s museum. I have to ask Aunty – note to self. You and I did it today. It was so much fun! You chose what shape, what color to go with and where to put it. After your turn was done, I’d ask for my turn. The first time you were a little reluctant to share but soon you got the hang of it. You would do it once and then give it to me and say “ab amma turn”. It was nice. 

I even hung your art work in the house. I wish I had a picture of it, I do not L. You showed it to Papa and Aunty too later. Great memories in the making. You asked me to do it again this morning, Amma didn’t have time today kanna, I will do it after I come back from India.

Lots of love

Holding Elmo in the Elmo chair

Dear Vedant,

This picture was you and I working together. We were doing a group hug and then you told me, “Amma Elmo photo?”. I said OK. And then you tried making the elmo on the mat, then on the chair, then you sat on top of Elmo!!! Finally, I said, what if you sat first and then Elmo sat down, you really liked that idea.

Here is the pic I took with my cell phone. You look so cute with you lovely locks of hair. When I am back from India I will get you a hair cut.


Making decisions, Good ones.

Dear Vedant,

You have recently been making some good decisions. Just today, we were at Fufa ji’s place. I gave you a few cheerios so that you are not too hungry before dinner. Just when dinner was about to be served you started eating your cheerios again. From the looks of it, you were going to finish the whole thing, make a meal of it. For a second I thought of pulling it away from you and then I rememebered the story of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. I then reminded you of how the caterpillar got an ouchie after eating too many cheerios. You thought about it for few seconds and then handed me the cup and said “Vedu no ouchie”.

You have no idea how happy I felt. Not because you let go of the cheerios but because I love how YOU made the right decision. I won’t always be near you or be able to make right decisions for you, but knowing that YOU will do it on your own, makes me feel so happy.

Lots of love, blessings,

Monday, 22 April 2013

Yosemite 2013

Dear Vedant,

We had a great holiday in Yosemite this weekend. Yosemite is a national park about 4 hours from our home in San Jose. I couldn’t believe that, some place so green, so natural and preserved would be so very close to the home of technology and innovation. 

We stayed in a little cabin, made of wood. We were supposed to stay in a tent, but papa, knowing that I wasn’t keen on roughing it out J got us upgradedJ. It was our little place under the sun. Bua, fufa ji and Anika also came with us. You got attention from one and all and were basking in all the love. My most favourite memory is of Ani didi, as you call her, wheeling you around in the High Chair. This happened in the lovely dining hall, where we pretty much reserved a spot for us. She would take you to say “Hi” to the bear and bring you back. You loved it!

You also liked the “Waterfall, pani wala, big big”, as you described it. I can picture you flapping your arms for “big big” J. You wanted to see the waterfall again and again. You behaved very well though, to my utter happiness. When it was time to sleep, I said, it is ninni time, please come lie down and you did. Also, sleeping while hugging you was priceless joy! We did plenty of “ghusi ghusi” sleep.

We also played in the snow; you threw snow balls in the water. However, one thing really freaked me and Dad out. You wanted to play in the puddle and you ran towards one next to the road, it was really scaryL. Thankfully, no cars went by then. At that time, I gave you a time out, I wish I hadn’t now. I hope you know why, I was really scared.

Source of your good looking genes :)
Also, Mr Vedant Agarwaggi, we lost you for a bit. I thought you followed Papa and he thought you are with me. You were however out there bringing spoons and forks for everyone J I just bought a backpack with a safety harness for our trip to Disneyland. You are going to be on a short leash my dear.


Friday, 19 April 2013

Hiking chair, oh yeah!!

Dear Vedant,

Papa bought the fanciest, nicest Hiking chair just the day before our Yosemite trip. We wanted to try it on hikes. We eventually did not really use it. You are much too big for it! Papa tried it for like 15 minutes and then said, it is hard to go for longer than 20 minutes. But, my oh my, you certainly loved it. You milked it as much as possible and wanted to sit in it all the time. It was the first thing you wanted to do after you woke up the next day. You saw it and said “Mumma issme sit karaye”. I said it is hard. You said “Mumma thoooooda try kare!”. J You sat in it and had your morning cookie right in it J Happy fellow! 

I am so proud that you wanted to give it a go instead of shying away from it.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Hands are not for Hitting. :(

Dear Vedant,

So you hit Anshikka today, with a car. It seems you hit her like seven times in five minutes. I felt really bad for the poor baby. She was crying and pointing to the door. She clearly wanted to go home. Rohini Aunty took her home.

We have been trying everything we can, I am reading a couple of books. Aunty gave you a hard time too, by not playing too much with you. My heart aches when I think of how you wanted to go to Rohini aunty’s house and how we are keeping you away. Apparently you hit Anshi in the park too. Not good bachhe. But then again, I know that you are a good kid, I can’t believe that you wanted to hurt her. I think you were experimenting. I am really hoping this time, you will learn that this is not a good thing to do. Learning opportunity is what my book says.


Monday, 15 April 2013

Amma Loves Goril LA LA

Dear Vedant,

I always tell you “Amma loves you” and then there is the “Elmo loves you” book. One day I said “Aunty loves?” and you said “Uncle!!”. All of us bursted out laughing so hard, you picked this up and this is now you constant response to it. Similarly, I don’t know how/ why you started saying this. I would say “Vedant, Amma Loves?”, expecting you to say “Vedu!”, but you would say “Amma loves Goril LA LA”. Never Gorilla J Cute. I don’t think I have a recording of it, but I can visualize you saying it. Your eyes are lit up and your voice is full of joy, naughtiness personified. 

Lots of love Chinu,

Sunday, 14 April 2013

The book is popular!

Dear Vedant,

You are asleep, comfy in your crib now. I haven't written to you in over a month, I hope I don't have such a long gap again. I was busy finishing your old book, the 0 -> 2 years one, I had some unwritten posts that I had to complete. Now that the book has arrived, I feel so good! I am really glad I took the time out to write to you all this time. My hope is to continue the pace, keep this going.

It is pretty late already my dear, but I just wanted to say that I am going to keep writing to you, I hope you will enjoy reading these when you grow up.

all my love,

Vaccuming is Fun!

Dear Vedant,

You so love vacuuming the house. You like playing with it and I say, “Vedu, amma help karna?”. You go “Yes!, vacuum help karna!”. I give it to you and set you up. I always ask you to do the carpet in the living room. This gives you a lot of joy. I love it too. Just know that in the future, when you are older, this will be your responsibility J Become a responsible young boy my dear. Just like Papa. Well, mostly.


Saturday, 13 April 2013

Amma at UC Berkeley

Dear Vedant,

I did a four day course in UC Berkeley in April. I would leave home before you woke up and only return by 7.30 or 8 pm. It was hard on both you and I. Aunty said you missed me and were a little dull all the time. But as always, you were brave. I put you to bed each night, something I hate to miss. I got a taste of how things might be if I were to do an MBA. I am yet to decide on the timing of it. Perhaps in 2015/2016 time frame. Anyhow, I hope you study at a college like this one, full of so many intellectuals.

Lots of love,

Monday, 8 April 2013

Repeating my words

Dear Vedant,

You are being a really cute toddler to be around. You repeat Evvverything! Anything I say, is repeated. I noticed it in the car today. I was talking to Viji peddamma on the Bluetooth and you were repeating all my words in the back. Can be scary too, gotta watch it J 

Sleep tight,

Happy Birthday Cake

Dear Vedant,

You have now understood the most important thing about Birthdays. You are supposed to say “Happy Birthday”, blowing candles and then of course that you get to eat cake. We went to one of my colleagues kids party, and you kept on saying “Cake khana”, it was hard to wait until the cake cutting was done. And most recently, after Arshia’s 4th birthday party, you are now really caught on to this thing J Happy Birthday = Cake. I don’t blame you!!

Lots of love,

Eating on your own

Dear Vedant,

I have been trying to teach you to eat on your own. Meenu didi highly recommends it for the right reasons. Some times you do it and at other times you say “Mama khilaye, papa khilaye” etc. I really need you to learn, I don’t want yo to go through Pre-school being hungry. Aunty has been working on it too. You had pasta on your own once, which was fabulous! Also, kichdi. You are able to dip Roti in little bit of daal, but not able to really eat sabji. I love it when you are trying.

Keep at it little one, love,

Monday, 1 April 2013

Saying Good night with Elmo and “Tinkle Stars”

Dear Vedant,

Here is our routine for going to bed these days. Dinner, play time and then we go upstairs with your milk and water. You then get a night diaper, wear your night suit. This is followed by “Show Papa”, which involves Papa gushing over how cute you are looking in your night suit and you giggling/ blusing away to glory. Then we finish the milk with stories, do our good night brush and send papa away. I then put you in the crib, these days you have been saying “Mama sulaye”, which means “carry me and put me in the crib” instead of you trying to climb in yourself. I don’t mind, I am not going to be able to carry you forever J Finally, I sing Elmo loves you. You usually say “Piggies wala again”. Then comes “Tinkle Stars”. By this time, you are rubbing your eyes and I make my exit J I am glad we have a routine, you know what is coming and are waiting for it too. Just want to remember the details my dear.


First Bike Ride

Dear Vedant,

I want to remember your first bike ride. You had been riding the trike at home for a long time. You would pedal, push, back pedal, mastered it all. I had been lazy about ordering a helmet for you. Finally when I did order one, I ended up buying one too small to fit. And then, we waited again. When the right one finally arrived, you were so ready to wear it and go outside.

I absolutely LOVE this picture of you, beaming with inner happiness on your first outdoor ride. I will treasure this always. I hate to say it, but I haven’t yet
taken you out on a bike ride. I will do it when I get back. It gets too dark when I get back home, and these past few weekends have been busy with Bua and Fufaji.
