Friday, 28 February 2014

Half laddoo... So Proud!

Dear Vedant,

I was dropping you to School when this happened. You had breakfast before we left and kept a laddoo for the ride. As you were eating it, I think you realized that you were full. We reached school and you hadn't yet finished it. For a second, I thought you are going to force feed yourself and then I told you that your tummy might ache if you eat it. Also, I told you that if you want, I will keep your laddoo safe and you can finish it in the evening. You then, made the choice of keeping it safe and finished it in the evening.

I was so proud of you. For listening and for making the right choice. Good job kanna.


Thursday, 20 February 2014

Thank you my dear.

Dear Vedant,

This has been a tough week for us. Papa got detected with a second round of strep throat. You and I went to Kaiser near your pre-school for a precautionary exam. This was our second time of getting a test done. You knew the routine that we have to open our mouth wide, say aa and that it would hurt a little. You asked me "Khasi kyon aati he". I tried explaining it to you and asked you to be brave. I told you it will help you. You asked me if I will hold you, i said yes. Then I asked you if you will hold my hand for my turn to help me be brave. When it was my turn to do the swab, I had forgotten about our conversation. But you hadn't. As soon as the nurse picked up the swab kit, you came near me and took the cell phone off my hand and held it real tight. You were so cute, took on the role of "the man" for a bit.You were so in the zone, standing tall, broad shoulders. :) My little guy, you were a big boy for a bit, taking care of me.

Lots of love,

Monday, 17 February 2014

Rhyming and Matching Games

Dear Vedant,

We have started doing Matching games a lot these days. I bought some pre-school workbooks to keep you engaged. Initially, I just wanted to try it to see if you like it. And you sure do. I think you like doing the letter puzzles, rhyming words, doing patterns. You don't like the numbers very much. I am trying not to push you but just offer you options so you can choose to do this if you want. And I love spending time with you like this, just you and I focused on the book and having fun. Its quite fun.

Lots of love,

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Bubble Bath Masti!

Dear Vedant,

So, I am really sorry that it took so long for me to find the time to get Bubblebath for you. I know, I know, it has taken three years, but hey, you had a ball today. So much masti.

Here is a pic to remember the fun filled day :)

Friday, 14 February 2014

Will you be my Valentine?

Dear Vedant,

So you had a rocking Valentine's day my dear. You got so many cards, from Hannah, Hailey, Eva, Chloe, Claire, Frida etc. So cute. We have one really popular boy in the house :) You also liked the party in School. We got up early and made heart shaped sandwiches with Cheese in them for the party. You were so excited about that.

It was fun to do this with you.You were telling me about your "party"later, feeling all grown up. I love organizing these things for you and your class. I hope to spend a lot of time being really involved in your school life and education.

Happy Valentine's Day Vedu Singh!
Love, Amma

Monday, 10 February 2014

Only this book. No amma, only T.H.I.S. book.

Dear Vedant,

So this is not very cute I must say. You are now being really specific abotu the books you want to read. Essentially the Christmas book. You want to read it over and over again, every night. You don't want to try any new book. This is really out of character for you. Usually, you lovvvvvvvve reading the new books. You get so excited when the Amazon box comes home, but not these days. You are so not interested in new books. You pick the books these days, the valentine's one gets chosen sometimes.

Sometimes it is irritating but perhaps its just a phase. Hopefully this will pass, coz, really, I have had enough of the same books. Please :)


Sunday, 9 February 2014

Money... needs and wants..

Dear Vedant,

I am so proud of you today. You made a really wise decision, and made it very calmly, matter-of-factly. I was really happy.

A few days ago, you and I went to Target. I was looking for Glue. You saw some crayons and you wanted them. I explained to you that I only have a limited amount of money. I can buy crayons but then we won't be able to buy Glue. And then I told you that you already have crayons but you don't have Glue. I let you think about that and then asked you if you wanted Crayons or Glue. You chose Glue :)

Today we were at Sears (for a photo story I am sure Papa will tell you about :D). You saw this Elmo Tee-shirt. You really wanted to buy it. It was terribly cute too. However, before I could say something you said. "Hamare paas Elmo Tee-shirt already he, we don't need it." And then, you put it back. I was so so proud and happy. And impressed.

Really well done bache. Papa and I will continue to teach you about Money, needs and wants. I am really happy with the start we made today.

Good job, love,

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Mommy's little helper just got better!

Dear Vedant,

You just became an even more useful boy to have around when shopping! Usually you are so eager to help me out. You run all over the Indian store ferrying the things I pick and putting them in the cart for me and coming right back to me for more :) It is so cute. I get such admiring looks from all the people when we shop together :). Today you became even more useful. I taught you about shopping lists and helped you count 5 things we needed on your fingers. You kept reminding me in the store for the five things. So cute and fun!

Lots of love,

"But I want to Talk something". - F.A.I.L.

Dear Vedant,

I am so sorry Kanna, I wasn't a great mom today. So very sorry my dear baby. I was rushing you along for School and then I had to go to work. We have been missing circle time so much and I get late to work, barely get enough time to make your breakfast, feed you breakfast, make lunch and get both of us ready to work. Today, I was hollering at you to wear your shoes quickly and you just looked at me and said - "But I want to Talk something", I felt so bad then, like I wasn't allowing you to even speak, making you into a robot or something, just being on time. I am so sorry kanna pie. Will not happen again.

Lots and lots of love,

Preparing for Valentine's Day

Dear Vedant,

We have been preparing for Valentine's Day, coming up soon. Given our experience with Christmas where you did not quite know what is coming, I want you to be prepared with the ritual/ festival that is coming up. We have been reading Valentine's Day books, reading about hearts etc. We read this book about Families and I taught you about big and small families, things we do with our family etc. You seem to have caught on that we have a really "small" family. :)

Cute, Love,

Addition: May 14, 2014. You have been learning about families in School this week, ahead of the Family picnic. You said to Ms. Grace that your family is really small :) I told her where it was coming from and we were laughing about it. :) You also took the book to School and read it with your friends. 

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

A valentine's card for you.. only you

Dear Vedant,

I write this with a wonderful feeling. I don't know how to describe it. I am not elated. Happy doesn't cut it. Neither does joy. Perhaps contentment comes close. Peace too. The more I think about it, peace is what it is. A sense of completeness. What soon followed this was a feeling of a sense of responsibility/ a bit of guilt even.

Valentine's day is coming up and I have been reading a couple of Valentine's day books with you. I do not want you to be caught unawares/ be scared like you were when Santa came to School. We have a book where everyone is making cards for their friends. I asked you today who you wanted to make a card for. You said "only for you...not for anyone else." Not even Papa. (Papa - not trying to make you feel bad :)).

I will always remember the expression, your body language. The clarity of your thought. I asked the question a few times today, at different instances, in different ways, the answer was always the same. And your tone, is like you are not expecting anything in return. Not even Love. You just want to make it, that's all. I wish we adults could love each this way, completely without expectations. Unconditional.

That was your love tonight. You made my day my dear and grounded me too.
Lots of love, always.

Off to school with big boy Byes!

Dear Vedant,

Today I worked from home and Papa dropped you off to School. For starters, you were really happy going in the Beamer vs Camry, not sure when you picked up that the Beamer is cooler :) Even I don't care which car I am in. One day I did not know which one I was sitting in, it is really the last thing in my mind. Anyways, so you went to School after eating your breakfast, wearing your school shoes, with you lunch and feeling all important. You sat in Papa's car, came around and said "Bye Amma, I love you" so loudly, so happily, it felt as if its my college-going son saying Bye to me :) You sounded happy, confident and comfortable. It was precious and cute.

Lots of love,

Monday, 3 February 2014

Get well soon kisses

Dear Vedant,

I had a sinus headache and you were so loving and kind. You gave me "Get well soon" kisses on your own, all around my head where it usually hurts me. 

Thank you kanna pie. So sweet of you.

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Dear Vedant,

We had such a good time today doing an impromptu picnic, just the three of us. Papa came up with the idea and you just rolled with it. We packed our lunch (pav-bhaji), took a chatai and went to Lick Mill park near our old service apartment. We had so much fun, lazing around in the sun, enjoy a lovely meal. I think we should make this our tradition and do it more often. You will love it for sure.

Lots of love,