Friday, 31 January 2014

Bumblebee honey banati he...

Dear Vedant,

You come up with the most funny things to say and they are so hard to counter/ explain away. Today you said - "Honeybee honey banati he and Bumblebee bumble banati he?" I had been teaching you about Honey bees making honey from flowers and this is what you came up with. :) It was so cute and logical. And funny.
You laughed away like crazy after you said it too, like you knew that you had said something really funny. :)

Funny man. Love,

Sunday, 26 January 2014

So you know the whole book? All the words? Wow :)

Dear Vedant,

I don't know when you did it and really how long you have known this all along. Today, I was putting you to bed and you knew all the words in the "Goodnight Goodnight Construction site" book. You and I sang them together, in unison. You remembered all the words, pauses and everything perfectly. It was so cute :) I was impressed my dear. :)

This book is a staple in our collection, we return to it quite often, especially at bedtime.


Saturday, 25 January 2014

Hands are for?..........Cell Phones

Dear Vedant,

We have this book called "Hands are not for Hitting". This book suggests lots of uses for hands, such as Hands are for Waving, Shaking hands, putting on your clothes, eating etc. Papa and you have this thing of "rough and tumble fun" going on usually and you were not very gentle. Papa was telling you to be gentle and he wanted to remind you of the book and said "Hands are for.......". You filled the blank with "Cell phone!".

Sad, but true reading of our times. Hopefully, one day you will say "Hands are for Books".

Lots of love,

Friday, 24 January 2014

Feeling so content.

Dear Vedant,

It was late at night, about 1 am. Papa and I just finished watching a movie called "Wolf of the Wall Street" on the iPad, in bed. As soon as it ended, you got out of the crib, walked straight like an arrow, a man on a mission to me, and slept on top of me. Yes, on top. Specifically, you like your head to be on my tummy :) And that was that. No conversation, just aim at the target and be there. A little later, I moved your head to my arm (which felt numb soon enough :)) but it was so peaceful. I felt quiet and satisfied.

You looked happy in your dreams.

Lots of love,

P.S: I worry about missing this when you are all grown up and gone. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday my love!

Dearest Vedant,

Happy Happy Happy 3rd Birthday to you!!! So happy today :) You turned a big THREE today :) We all had a great time blowing out the candles, cutting a cake with you.

Although, again, you were not well :( You were really sick with a cold, cough thing. It was sad :( Papa had to go away to a conference, he left late so that we could cut the cake together. And boy! you loved the cake so! Your little eyes totally lit up when you saw the cake. You were SO HAPPY. it was really nice to see that. You blew the candles, and we all sang the happy birthday song. You liked the song so much that you made me sing it again and again throughout the day. Papa also brought a huge cookie for you, you gorged on it :) Some lovely pictures from the day are here. After Papa left, you and I listened to many Happy Birthday songs on the iPad, with the video and all :) I asked you late at night at bed time, about what you liked best about today and you said "Cake and song" :)

We did not do a celebrationg this time again. You did not really want it. We will do something funnext year. And hey, no falling sick, ok? :) We gave you the Buzz bee board game, we played a few rounds today. You seem to like it, don't get it yet though. Also gave you the camera, that seems to be a bigger hit :)

You and I also went to the Flag restaurant for dinner, it was nice and relaxing. Most people stare at an Indian mom managing a calm Indian kid in there, they can't believe it :)

Please remain like this, cute and cuddly. Papa and I both love you very very much. God bless you always.
Be happy, healthy and loving. That's a pic of me looking (and feeling) so happy and content. You are the reason for that happiness. Also a pic of you giving papa a kiss back, after you got one for your birthday. I love the tenderness of this pic. That is pure love :)

lots of love, proud of you :) Happy Birthday!

P.S.: You didn't want to share the cake :) I had to convince you :) We also did a little celebration in School after a week or so, when you got better and went to school. Again, had to convince you to give away the CakePops :)

Monday, 20 January 2014

Blankie for Fish?

Dear Vedant,

We have been going to the hospital a lot for our cold, cough situation. There is this aquarium in the doctor's office and you always watch the fishes. Today, you asked me how they go to sleep and if they get a blankie for sleeping :) It was so cute.

Your curiosity at this stage is amazing. As you grow up, it's important to keep this innocence and curiosity and not take things for granted.

Lots of love,

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Cookie Cookie everywhere

Dear Vedant,

So its all about Cookie. This can be a response to any question. It can be the name of anything we see around us. :) The word cookie falls out of your mouth more often than anything else in the world.

I am also calling you a cookie :)

Lots of love,

Friday, 10 January 2014

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Dear Vedant,

I was dropping you to School and you asked me, "Why do I have to go to LinkedIn and Papa Google?". I usually explain this by saying that each of us has a "job". Like the fireman or the postman. Or your Aunty. Or the Teacher. You seem satisfied when I tell you this and don't worry anymore. Today, I asked you what you want to be when you grow up and you said, "A Gingerbread Cookie Man." :)

I shared this with Ms.Monique and she said, "So he just wants to be a Cookie! Cool!" :) We had a good laugh.

Lots of love,

Monday, 6 January 2014

Laptop back from the Garage

Dear Vedant,

You have been taking a keen interest in our Laptops, perhaps the 10 day shutdown had something to do with it. We have been having a tough time disciplining you over this, also we feel this is not a good area to put up a fight. So we decided to bring back your laptop toy from the garage. You have been loving it so far! You especially like that it sings, "This is your home computer". Almost always, you ask me "why it says home computer". It also sings a special bye song when you shut it down, today you were singing it as you closed it :)

You really seem to enjoy music. You were singing "Bye bye bye.. Aa Aa Aa". Once I have more time (I am working on some plans here ;)), I will take you around for a Music class.

Love, sleep tight,

Not enough kisses today.

Dear Vedant,

You are in bed now, asleep. As is papa. I put you to bed and was getting some "me" time before I get to write about this. I missed you today, did not spend enough time with you or get enough of "Vedant" for today. At bed time, I told you the Hungry Caterpillar, Elmo loves you on my own. You would have gone to bed without this, the truth is, I did not want to leave you. I wanted to hold you longer and hug you more. You were also very active this evening, not tired at all after school. But listening to these two time tested stories you were all ready for bed. You then asked for "Twinkle Twinkle little stars". I sang it for you. Then you sang it for Bholu and finally one more time for me. I felt all special :) It was so cute. Not melodious :) but cute.

Lots of love chinu,

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Eating Apples, Strawberries! Yeah! (Fingers Crossed!)

Dear Vedant,

You are asleep right now, taking your afternoon nap. Papa put you to bed today, you guys were playing with the new wooden blocks before that. Papa made a tunnel, you used your flashlight to look through it. It was cute.

Back to the Title, this post comes with great gratitude, almost not believing that you are actually eating fruits. Thanks to Papa, of course. He made eating strawberries so much fun. You guys hulled them with a straw, I have to post a video of how that is done :) You showed me how to do it too and then since the rule is, "if you hull, you have to eat it", you had your strawberries. You also had apples dipped in honey, half an apple which was so good to see.

We have to keep at this. I asked Ms Monique if she can help us and she said yes! God bless her. It would be awesome to see you eat fruits happily. We also need to set the right example of course.

Lots of love,

Let us build it. Let us build it. Let us build a word

Dear Vedant,

A couple of days ago you watched "WordWorld" for the first time. I showed it to you yesterday as well and you really seemed to like it. Just for memory's sake, this is a cartoon show where letters of the alphabet come together and become the word they are spelling out. So a B, O and X come together and lo and behold! we have a box :)

Last night, we were all hanging around the sofa in the night and you started singing "Let us build it. Let us build it. Let us build a word :)". You feel so conscious if someone watches you, so you stopped but I kept singing and then we went to the playroom to "build" words with the alphabet. We made box, hug, bug, hi and then "hi papa". In the end I was going to make the word "bye" before we went to bed and you read my mind :) I had taken the "b" out and you said, let us make "bye" :) It was so much fun.

And the fun continued upstairs...
"I see it. I see it. I see it ont he floor" - for your pillow
"I love you. I love you. I love you in the night"..

You were giggling and were happy. So was I.

Lots of love,