Monday, 21 January 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Vedant

Dear Vedant,
Happy 2nd Birthday to you my dear! Your birthday was a bitter sweet day for me.I was really happy to see you all grown up, being happy but I felt bad because the very next day I had to pack my bags and go away to San Francisco for a conference. At some level, I think I miss holding a little baby and I also feel that the moments and time is going away very quickly, much faster than I like. I want to gather as many memories as I can and fill my mind with pictures of you, what will I do without them later? At other times, I feel happy, proud, even relieved that you are going to grow up and go away to college.And then, I can indulge in all the things that I want to do. May be then I will start knitting again :)

Your birthday was a slow and relaxed day. We did not do very much, stayed home except for dinner to Saravana Bhavan with Fufa ji. The highlight was you getting an Elmo toy that you clutched happily. Rohini aunty gave you an airplane that you loved. Fufa ji also gave you great toys. You hung out with dad and in the end, you and I ended the day on a high with Idlis. The other highlight was Rohini  Aunty, Anuraag uncle, and the kids coming over for a small brownie-cake cutting for you. You blew the candles and everything :)

May you always remain like this, happy, content, smiling. All my love and blessings to you little one. These two years with you have been the best of my life.
Lots of love,

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Amma Tip Out?

Dear Vedant,

We have a song. It is "I am a little Teapot, short and strong. Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up, I will shout. Tip me over, pour me out!".

We dance to this one together a lot, I started doing this when you were 14-15 months old. The highlight of the song is Tipping over at "Pour Me out". You love doing this and ask for it first thing in the morning, and first thing when I come back from office.And then ask for "more tip out". Your face beams with happiness when we do it. Switching on "more light" over your head takes your happiness to the next level. Papa does it too, although, I must say, for once you prefer me over everyone else with this song :). I love doing it too, although it has gone progressively harder, you see you are growing bigger.These days I tell you "one tip out, amma back ouchie" and you negotiate "last tip out?".

You just woke up and are playing with a box of tissues beside me. I am kind of sick with a little sore throat and cold. You just saw me type and asked "Amma kaam done?".
Yes it is, all yours, Love,

Friday, 4 January 2013

Amma, Vedu, Bhalu Group Hug

Dear Vedant,

This is one of my most favourite memories of us. I started doing the Group hug thing way back, you may have been 6 months old. We used to do it with the small bhalu and then wtih the life size Costco one too. Dad took this picture which I truly cherish recently. 

Things to note about Group hug - you wont do it unless the big bhalu is included, sometimes you start the group hug yourself, if dad and I are lying down on the bed, you get in between and then say "Grrouu hugg". You still can't say "Group". You love doing them, always with a smile. Some time it is Amma, Vedu, Caterpillar "Pater" Group hug.

I am spoiling you with hugs and kisses.  Lots of love, utho and then we will do another Group hug.


Dear Vedant,

You now hold my hand and say let us do it "Two-gather". It is really cute :) You know it too, you say it with a knowing smile and take my hand.

I used to say it to you and still do to get you to do something with me. Such as "Let us clean up together" or "Let us go throw this away in the bin together" etc. I did not expect you to start using it, so quickly, and so sweetly. Hard to refuse!


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

AgarWaggi :)

Dear Vedant,

When a visitor asked you "What is your name?", it hit me that I need to start teaching you this. It looks like you are big enough :) So started the "Agarwaggi" brigade. (Unfortunately I don't remember who this visitor was, but it must have been one of Dad's friends)

I would tell you "what is papa's name, it is Amit Agarwal".. I would remember to prounounce it ..."AA GGAA RR WWAALL"... and you said "AGARWAGGI"! We laughed so much and you loved being the center of attention. Since then, you love saying "agarwaggi", in a tune too. It is Taruna Agarwaggi, Amit agarwaggi and Vedu Agarwaggi!

You know how to say "Agarwal", you say it sometimes, but your go-to response is Agarwaggi. I am going to record a video of it tomorrow. I hope I will always remember in my head.

So much to hold on to, as you are growing up.I wonder if the blog is for you or me. Perhaps, this is really for me, for Amma to have a piece of her baby forever. My boy. My son.

Sleep tight cheenu kutty,

Tinkle Stars & Diamonds

Dear Vedant,

I wanted to write about our night time routine that lasted quite a while. We would crawl under the Brown blanket and sing "Tinkle Tinkle little stars". The highlight was you and Dad making Diamonds under the Blanket. you loved this routine :) We did too :)


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Dear Vedant,

A very very super duper Happy Bubbly New year to you! You are going to turn two this year, a BIGG BOY... My blessings to you my little one. I hope you spend this year having fun, learning good values (we have been working on saying magic words a lot past weeks :) and just be healthy and happy.

We had a great start to the new year today. You and I went to the Children's Discovery Museum in San Jose. They have a special going now called "Holidays Unboxed". They had houses made of tape, packing boxes etc. You loved them so much! The picture does not do it justice, but for the rest, I will always have my memories. You also enjoyed Bubble time as always and also climbed up and down on the Fire Engine and Ambulance.. which you called..."ammbuamce" :) Miss Vu, Cara and Mr. Rob hung out with us at the museum too. Cara is just a few days older than you are, I hope you guys get to play together more often.

We went to Madras Cafe after where you had Idli-Cheeni. I wish you would start eating some vegetables and fruits, you have them here and there, but not enough. Later at home, you and Dad had some Rough and Tumble fun. You are now in the "climb on horse" phase.

Chalo, Amma has to go to bed now. It is Ninni time :)

Lots of love kanna,