Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Scared of Halloween Decor

Dear Vedant,

I wanted to remember this time that you got scared of halloween decor at Rohini Aunty's house. It was a ghost, a wild cat and carved pumpkins. You got so scared and hugged me tight and kept saying "go go" and pointed homewards. It took me a second to realize that you really got scared. You have never got scare that way before. You held me so tight, kinda shook too,just once, but made me feel really bad.

We huddled and I brought you back home hugging you tight, .You seemed ok at home, not too worried later. I worried if you would be scared in the night but you were OK. You slept well through the night.

Sleep tight chinu,
love, Amma

Monday, 29 October 2012

Pumpkin carving for Halloween

Dear Vedant,

This is your second Halloween. Actually, our second halloween. I was not in the US until Nov of 2010. Last year we did not do anything, you were too small. Well, we did dress you as a teddy bear and take you for some trick or treating.

This year, I am making some effort. I bought a Pumpkin, which I carved out. You quite like it. You call it "tumpin" :) Absolutely cute. You know that we have to put a diya in it.

You know that Rohini Aunty also has a "tumpin" right outside it. You got scared of her pumpkin and the window clings. You held me so tight and started tremblin ga littl eand said "Go" and pointed to our home. You never want to leave their house, so I was a little surprised that you were scared. I gave you a big hug and and then showed you how we made it the next day. Think that helped you a little, but you are probably not going to be ready for the really scary houses. I will make sure you don't go to the really scary houses.

I will hold you tight and keep you safe as long as I can.
Lots of love,

Dot Dot

Dear Vedant,

I want to remember this activity of yours. It keeps you buys for long periods of time and it has helped you learn the colors. I bought "Do a Dot Art", which is basically colors, big sketch pens from my kids in school. Arshia loves this toy too. Rohini Aunty just bought it for her today. You both are going to love this one.

I will add a video of you asking for "dot dot" as you say it. You wear the bib religiously. You bring the bib and say "Pehne" and then "dot dot" and "paper".

Good night kanna,

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Baby Hugggg

Dear Vedant,

This happened at Dipali kaku's baby shower at our place. Elina and you were sitting on the red chair. We all encouraged you to hug the baby. You were reluctant for a bit and then you hugged her soooo tight, poor baby ended up in tears. It was hilarious though :)

You were so proud, as if you knew you did what you were asked to do.

Sleep tight Chinu,

Bigggg Bhalu

Dear Vedant,

As part of Papa spoiling Vedant series, you got a BIGGGGGGGGG Bhalu one day. Unfortunately, I was in office when papa brought it up the stairs so I don't know have a video of how you reacted. You were apparently initially scared of the Big Teddy and slowly warmed up to him. You touched the teddy and ran back to papa. After a few attempts, you mustered up the courage to hug the big teddy. Since then, you hug teddy every now and then.

Right now when Papa is in Gwalior, you sometimes touch the Teddy and say "Papa, Down." Meaning that it was kept down during Dipali Aunty's baby shower or that Papa brought it up from the basement.

Also, Arshia lovesssss the Teddy too. Here are a few pics for you to remember the bhalu days by... Arshia and you hanging out with the teddy, vedu relaxing on it (nice metta per Avva) and you taking teddy for a ride on the bike!

Lots of Love,

Ohini Aunty and Aga Uncle

Dear Vedant,

You know who the suspects are in this case. This is how you are prounouncing their lovely names. Ohini Aunty and Aga Uncle :)


Firetruck & Zoo

Dear Vedant,

So we went a little ambititous and we did the following in one day... Fire Station trip, Ikea and the Zoo. You were great through this and caught a nap while Dad took care of Ikea returns. It was a really fun day.

We went to Mountain View Fire station in the morning. They were having a fund raising/ awareness event that was super fun for kids. You got scared of the loud noise and the crowd and very holding on to me. You did not want to go down and run about on your own. Perhaps when you are older. The thing you liked the best was climbing on a Fire Truck that was parked away from the crowd. You touched it, stood on the back, kept saying "light...". More importantly, you now seem to remember the event. When I show you the Fire Truck page in the Trucks book you say.."Papa, Mumma" and then point your finger back as if to say "yesterday". We will go again, when you are older.

The Zoo was so much fun. It was much better than last time. Dad and I were very strategic, we skipped the parts that we knew don't interest you. We started with the African safari. You loved the Giraffe, Zebra etc. We saw the Stork being fed by a Zoo official. Your memory of this is "Bird bhukki, Man, throw. eat" :) The other animal that made a big impression is the Hippo. The hippo was massive, in the water. Your memory is "Hippo Paani Chup". You also ran around the Peacock that was running about free.

Dad has his misgivings about the Zoo, since it seems like the animals are being kept there for our pleasure, away from their natural environment. One day we will ask him to take us to Africa, just so that he doesn't feel bad for the animals!!

Lots o love,

P.S: We have the Jungle Animal stickers in the playroom, you can now identify Hippo, giraffe, Rhino, Cat, Tiger, Lion, Elephant, Bird, Monkey (your favorite), Snake, Turtle, Fish, Duck, Cow, Pig, Goat, Sheep, Horse..


Dear Vedant,

This was one of the cutest thing you did, it brought an instant smile to my face. You came into, well, you waltzed into the kitchen and said, with your arms stretched out in Titanic style, that you wanted a "Big Big Cookie". I tried to capture it in a video, but by then your enthu had subsided :(

I will always remember how you said it, in my head. I felt so happy, I know this perhaps from Aunty's teachings, but just the way you said it, it was adorable.

May you always remain this happy. Also, on this day you turned 21 Months old. I can't believe you are going to be 2 very soon.

Lots of love,

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Story-time with Papa

Dear Vedant,

I want you to remember the story time routine that you and Papa have. I think it started in August/ September 2012. At bed time, Papa picks you up and tries to calm you down with stories such as..."There was a Lion..that roared like..."arrrrghhh".. and then he was hungry... he went to the jungle.. he found a Hippo... chup.. since the hippo in the zoo was in the pond etc..." Essentially, he starts talking, you start jumping in and it doesn't have to be realistic or make any sense at all. One thing leads to another and very soon you are sleepy.

Bingo! Time to put you down in the crib. You know what "story" means now. As soon as Papa says "story time", you lay down next to him, intently watching his face for the story to begin.

Amazing. I tried to tell you a story today, I must say I was sleepy much before you were. You kept lifting my chin up to keep me awake!!!

Sleep tight chinu,

Papa will be back soon

Dear Vedant,

Papa went to Ireland today and will go to India from there. He was feeling sad about leaving you behind. Got into the crib to kiss you good-bye while you were sleeping :).

I am quite worried about how I will take care of you. I mean, you are so used to dad's story telling time in the night and all the rough & tumble fun - which I am not a fan of!

However, tonight is done. You are asleep, comfy in your crib. I am not :( I feel like taking you out of your crib, holding you and sleeping next to you in the bed. But I have to resist the temptation. I will move up the baby monitor and it will have to do for today. I feel so responsible for you, like I better do this right.

It is amazing, how much I need Papa in this, I don't think I realized that.

Lots of love,