Thursday, 24 April 2014

Ms Monique says "I don't know"

Dear Vedant,

You little rascal, you imitated Ms. Monique today. It was pure fun but a tad evil. You shrugged your shoulders up and down and mimiced her. It was too cute.

Here is for you to enjoy.


Friday, 18 April 2014

Can you kiss me round round?

Dear Vedant,

This was so totally cute. Sometime today, I think before your nap, I was asking you for a kiss. You didn't give me one, but I gave you a few anyway. Then you asked me, "Can you kiss me round round?", which means, I kiss your whole face going in a circle. :) I gave you a few of those too and you were so happy.

lots of kisses to you.

Edit: We did this today also (the 19th of April). And, it was after we read the "Elmo loves you" book, and hence the kiss :)

Pain in my heart...

Dear Vedant,

I felt so bad today. You had really high fever, 103.6 and you were really uncomfortable. You have been having an ear infection and fever since Sunday night, but nothing like what happened today. You were crying and telling me that your fingers are hurting. I felt so bad, until now you were just lying down when the fever was high. No tears. I can't your tears of pain. That made me feel so bad :(

Get better soon. Lots and lots of love.

Perfect Day...

Dear Vedant,

You are in bed, asleep, taking your afternoon nap. I am sitting downstairs, on the sofa. It is a lovely afternoon. I can hear some birds chirping, the day light has filled the house. It is quite perfect.

We had a great morning together, barring your fever/ persistent ear infection. You have been such a trooper through this. You have been having fever since Sunday night and it is Friday afternoon today. Just one time you were crying since you were so uncomfortable. But other than that, you have been such a brave boy through it all. Papa brought your new antibiotic this morning and I gave you that and Ibuprofen in the morning.

You had breakfast, then we played the Buzz game. Then we took out the trash, did laundry. Aarti aunty called so I was on the phone for a bit. And I gave you a bath. You had nangu time (with the ABC blankie :)). Then we got dressed, had lunch. While I made rotis, you did 4 puzzles in the LeapFrog (Alphabelly) book. Then we ate, went for a small walk and off to bed.

Pretty perfect I think. Peaceful. We cuddled, I did not rush you to do anything, and you had a healthy lunch too.

Lots of love,

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Easter cards fun!

Dear Vedant,

We had so much fun making easter cards for all your friends. I missed not doing it for Valentine's. You weren't interested in doing it for Valentine's either. Perhaps you got more interested since you got cards for Vday from your friends.

We made a list of all your friends, taped an egg to each card. You gave it to your friends the next day. I made one for you too, just so you don't feel left out. Chloe's mommy left you a sweet thank you note for the egg.

Overall it was a nice activity to do with you. I hope you discover the joy of giving and really enjoy it.


Innocent Lies

Dear Vedant,

Its Sunday. Papa and I were in the kitchen, cooking dinner. You were coming in and out, filling your sippy cup a few times. I had a feeling that you are making a mess, not drinking it but putting it somewhere. Here is how this conversation went:

Amma: Did you put the water somewhere?
Vedu: No
Amma: Are you drinking it?
Vedu: Yes
Amma: Can you show me where you put it?
Vedu: Carpet (without a pause!!!) HAHAHA

That was soooooo funny! And cute! To my credit, I did not go ballistic. I just told you not to play inside but that you can take it outside and play with it :). That was so cute though, simple honest truth. You didn't even realize that I tricked you into telling me the truth :) Poor baby.

Lots of love,

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Week of the Young Child

Dear Vedant,

This was the week of the young child in Wonder Years. Each day had a different theme. Monday was "wear your fav color day", Tuesday was "Rainbow day', then there was "animal theme", Thursday was "Sports theme". Friday was PJ day and you got to see a movie in school. Every day was so much fun. You decided not to wear rainbow colors but you were clear that you wanted to wear Red, since it is your favourite color. You were also very clear that you wanted to wear a sports theme outfit as well as a PJ on Friday. You were one of the very few kids that wore the animal prints outfit on Thursday, it was a big hit with the Teachers. I got a very cute pic of you and Ms. Monique this week, but unfortunatley I can't find it anywhere. I hope I find it somewhere and can upload it here.

I asked you what your favourite day was and you said it was "Sports day". You really liked the bounce house that the School had brought in. I have a collage of you from this week in school, perfect way to remember this week.


Monday, 7 April 2014

Dark wali roti...

Dear Vedant,

This was so cute, it happened on a Monday. We were likely playing around and at one point, I said, I am gonna go make dinner. You, out of the blue said, you want "Dark wali roti". We did not expect that at all. I hadn't asked you what you wanted. I had just announced that I was going to start dinner. Papa asked a couple of questions to understand what the "dark" means and we gathered that you wanted a Paratha, the triangle one that I make which has some dark spots.

First time you asked for something specifically. Also, memorable for me since I love Parathas myself, and they were the first dish I think I nailed :)

#So cute.
Lots of love,

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Banian pic - like a good Indian boy :)

Dear Vedant,

I was really keen on takign this pic. Somehow, the two of you, i.e., Papa and you wearing a white Banian reminds of Indian Papa-son moments. You also realized that you were wearing a banian just like Papa. You said, no tee, just banian like Papa :)

So cute. Lots of love,

Your first poster :)

Dear Vedant,

We hung your very first poster in your room today. It came from the Easter book. It had a nice folded poster in the back. I didn't know the book came with it, glad it did. I asked you where you would like it to be hung and you chose your room. We put it up there with much fan fare :). It was nice to see you happy with that.

For me, this was a sign of things to come. I know you will hang many other posters in your room, who knows what/ who/ which sport you will be a fan of. Whatever it is, I will be around to encourage (as appropriate :)).

Lots of love,

P.S: My first poster was that of Martina Hingis in 1995/96. Begged for it from my librarian, it was a part of a sports magazine in India. Sportstar may be.