Thursday, 29 August 2013

Thank god you are creative!!

Dear Vedant,

There is this soft, bendable, fluorescent green scale that you got at Chitra aunty's kid's birthday. You rolled it up and brought it to me and said. "Mumma chai piyo". I was so happy. I am not terribly creative, so I was actually relieved. I said to myslef "he is creative! Yeah!!!". :)

Amma loves you.Good night. You are asleep in bed now.


Saturday, 24 August 2013

Car so jao, phir kha lena

Dear Vedant,

You love your car so much. Today as we were coming upstairs from the garage, you were talking to your car. You said "Car, aap so jao. Phir uth ke khana kha lena, par aapke daant nahin hen. Amma, car kaise khayegi?". I had told you that the car needs charge like we need food :)

You tucked your first wheels to bed and then came upstairs.


Thursday, 22 August 2013

Driving your shiny Mini Cooper!

 Dear Vedant,

You had a ball today driving your mini cooper. Bua and Fufaji gave this to you before she left to India. Today, we took it outside for the first time. This was a target parking lot. You had so much fun with it. Papa was helping you with "Thoda left, stop, right etc.". We also sat on the big O outside the target store. You and I usually sit there and watch the cars go by. And then we make our way to the big round concrete balls, where I have a "designated" one to sit on, as do you. Dad was catching up today :).

I was telling Papa that in 14 odd years, he will be teaching you to drive, again. :). Finally, you had to do your thing. You told Papa, "thoda, left, right etc." on our drive back home! It was hilarious! Here are some pics for you (and I) to remember this day by.

Lots of love,

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Papa is in the airport

Dear Vedant,

Just when I came back from San Diego, Papa had to leave on an APAC trip. You seem to be missing him as do I. However, there is something differnet about your behavior this time. I think you realize that since he packed, he is away for a bit and will be back soon. Even today you took out three books, one for amma, vedu and papa. and then you said, when Papa is back, "Vedu papa ko de dega". And then there is "Papa fix it." This is you telling me that "don't worry, Papa will fix it.".

The house is quiet now that Papa is gone, but he will be here tomorrow. Yipee!

The pic is the last one I took of the two of you before Papa left. And the title is because you tell everyone "Papa is in the airport" if they ask you where he is :)

Monday, 19 August 2013

Off to the Pool

Dear Vedant,

You were so happy today because I took you to the pool. You always ask to be in the water, something I am not able to make happen as much as I'd like to. However, we did it and, boy were you pleased!

You wore your new swimsuit (which is thanks to Rohini Aunty) and we were ready for the pool. You said to me "Off to the pool" and there you were, marching away, beaming from side to side.

We had fun in the water. Have to get you lessons next year.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Zoo trip with Sesha Mama, Rukmini Atha

Dear Vedant,

We were at the zoo today with Sesha mama and Rukmini atha. Sesha mama is avva's brother. So for you they are Avva-Tatha. I told you new avva and tatha are coming and we are going to the zoo with them. You were looking forward to it.

We had fun with them at the zoo. You loved the Giraffe the most I think. Later I asked you what animal you liked the most, and you said "Leopard.". I wasn't expecting that. You were also doing what is called "galata". You pointed to tatha and said, he is Avva and the other way around. You were giggling throughout.

Here is a pic for you to remember the day.
Lots of love,

Friday, 16 August 2013

Kids[in] Day

Dear Vedant,

Today was Kids [in]Day at work. I work at LinkedIn now, we have a day a month that is given back to the employees to do something that they want to do. Each [in]Day has a theme. My favourites have been "Next Play", "Culture" and Kids [in]Day.

We had a good day at work today. We came in around 10:30 am and went to the bounce house. You did not like the bounce house. There were too many kids, some not so gentle ones. We had lunch (you had roti) with Miss Vu and Cara. You liked that. We also tried "Karaoke" for the first time. I was nervous! I don't know why, but I was. You were most interested in the ball, not singing or lyrics. Then we spent some time in the kitchen with Miss Vu. She got you colourful cheerios, which you loved!

All in all it was a good day. I don't know if I will get a chance to bring you to my work again, so I want to remember this one.

Lots of love,

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Vedu ko ice cream chahiye

Dear Vedant,

I was away in San Diego on a work trip. I called you from there, we chatted on the iPad. Aunty asked you, "Mumma vedu ke liye kuch surprise laaye?". You said "Yes". I asked you if you wanted a cookie. And you said, "Ice Cream". This was the first time you ever asked for ice cream.

I think it is because we had ice cream for Aunty's bday recently. That is where the idea must have come from. Cute. I thought of buying ice cream on the way over. You forgot all about it when I came home, so I just had a cup by myself :)

Lots of Love,

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Giraffe ka home in your Blankie

Dear Vedant,

This was one of the cutest things you did. You found a Giraffe finger puppet in Ayush uncle's home.You carried it all around with you. You nestled it (like a baby) in your blankie and said, "Giraffe aapki godi me he". Then you spread the blankie and said that it was "Giraffe home". Then you laid down the Giraffe right in the middle and said you will have your milk in "giraffe home". It was so adorable.

The innocence, the love, all of it. Love,