We had a lovely, relaxing, so calm and refreshing holiday in Kerala towards the end of our India Trip. It was the best holiday in a longgg longg time. It was just the three of us spending time with each other, enjoying nature and peace. We went to this place called "Fragrant Nature" resorts in Kollam, 1 hour drive from Trivandrum.
The resort itself was so lovely, landscaped beautifully.It wasn't crowded at all. In fact, we used to sit in the same spot for our dinner each night and were usually the only ones. You got pampered by the boys that were waiting on us. At every meal time you would play the pretend games of "What do you want from a store?" and bring "stuff" to us :) You just started this on your own.
Papa wanted to read the newspaper and you went downstairs with one of the boys and brought it up to him. So cute :) Daddy's little helper. I did a lot of knitting in this trip. I was making a sweater with Avva for Baby Shreya. One day you held the ball of wool and pretended that it was a phone. :) You put it on your ear and said "Haan bhaiya, aap kahan ho? Mein to bheta hoon, aap milne aa jao!". It was hilarious!!! Looked like you were copying Papa :) Also, to my suprise, when we were talking with Avva on the phone you actually asked her to come to Trivandrum. I wasn't expecting that at all!
A lot of other things also happened in this trip. I had told you sometime that when you were small you were in my tummy. So you told me to keep your bholu in my tummy, since he is "small". :) So cute :) We also played a lot in the pool, you and I. The water was just cool enough and the weather was sooo good, not like here. We were so comfortable. We played in the "baby pool" and the big one, the kids pool was safe enough for you to just walk around in the water, make bubbles, splash around. It was perfect. There was a volleyball in the pool and once you threw it very far and said "Vedu ne chakka lagaya" :) Champion singh.
Other masti was going downstairs and seeing the kitchen. You wanted to see the big bartans etc. Also, yeah, once you wanted water and you asked the waiter for it. He didn't understand you. You chased him all over the floor until he got what you wanted and came back triumphantly! He was so amused with your "Excuse mes" repeated over and over.
We did not do much sight seeing since it was a trip to just relax, but loved what we did see. You really liked the Elephant ashram visit, feeding them, taking a ride. We went to a beach, you did not like it very much. You kept saying "Why is water loud?". I think the sound of the crashing waves rattled you a bit. Papa went for a swim while you and I hung out at the beach making sand castles.
Overall it was such a relaxing trip. I would love to do one such trip every time we go to India, will help you understand our country better too. Or may be you will go hiking when you are older with your friends :) Let us see!
Lots of love,
Jan 26, 2014: You remembered that our driver in Kollam, Mr. Satish. You were watching Thomas and said "Mr Perkins is engine driver. Mr Satish drives a car". Quite amazing that you remembered that.
May 18, 2014: You saw a pic of a duck lazing around like Papa did on a boat in Trivandrum. You said "Duck is lying down like Papa". Again, I am amazed by what you remember. Kids have amazing brains and associations. Wow.