Friday, 31 August 2012

Asssssssssshia.. Asssssshika

Dear Vedant,

Tonight I was putting you to bed and we played under the blankie for a long time. I sang "Twinkle Twinkle" for you and started humming unknown to me. And soon you joined me and started singing "lalalalal". This was your first attempt at singing a tune :) I will remember.

What you did next was also very cute. You said "Assshia" and "Asssshika", I was talking to you about your day, you Gymboree class, trying to wind you down and ready for bed. I will record it tomorrow.

Anyhow, I am glad we got to play before you went to bed.

Lots of love,

Another day.. another Time Out

Dear Vedant,

This evening Arshia didi came over to play with you in the play room. All was going well, until you H.I.T her. She is so resilient and patient with you. She did not say anything to me or you. I gave you a time out for 30 seconds. You cried all the time. Poor Arshia was feeling so bad for you, it is amazing how much she loves you! So while you were crying, I was pacifying her and explaining what was going on and how this is going to help you in the long run. The everlasting 30 seconds ended, I let you out and you guys started playing again as if nothing happened.

Sometimes, I don't know what to do to help you with this. Perhaps this will go with time.
I also wonder what goes through your mind during the time out.

Anyhow, I hope we will get through this one soon.

Disciplining You..

Dear Vedant,

I wish I know how to discipline you. My little boy - being naughty. I know you are a little boy but you have done some bad things recently. You hit a little girl in the park, and Lavanya aunty's little girl too. In the past, there has been Arshia. i don't know what it is. Something just comes over you, you do it and immediately know that it was a bad thing to do.

I am trying to discipline you the best i can. I think I have lost temper recently, my screaming may be too loud, I think so at least. This long weekend, I will do a better job of it. I am really looking forward to spending time with you and papa. Just doing something fun, by the beach. Not getting hassled by schedules etc.

Also, to be noted is your most recent reaction to my daant. You look down to your chest, after 20 seconds, look up to check my expression! It is cute :)

I love you, always will, but want to make sure you learn good habits.

lots of love and kisses,

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Learning new skills.. Blocks.

Dear Vedant,

As a Mom, my dream is to see you become a wonderful person, a confident loving man. Every little day we take a small step towards that.

I loved the expression you had when you were able to put the blocks together the first time. It was amazing, so rewarding. What I loved the most was the content look in your eyes, in your face. So happy and relaxed.

This will remain very dear to me always.

Showing papa the new wall stickers

Dear Vedant,

I wanted to remember this thing you did on Monday, Aug 6. I am not sure of the date, but a few years from now it perhaps won't matter. It will be when you were 1.5 years old.

On a day that I worked from home, Aunty and I put up the transportation themed wall stickers. You loved them! They were trucks, cars, scooters and tractors. When dad came home that evening, you were tugging at his leg. Dad thought, as usual you wanted him to take you outside, to the park. I had a feeling you wanted to show him your new stickers and you did just that!

It was really cute to watch. Like you were communicating, sharing a part of your day with dad. Another milestone achieved, my baby boy, growing up.

Fabulous, yet scary, a little sad.
Lots of love,


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Arshia?? Didi... Anshikka?? Babbbyyy...

Dear Vedant,

Today you did the cutest thing. I said Anshikka and you said "Babbbbyy". I then said Arshia and you said "Didiiii"! I had no idea you had all this figured out. It was really cute!

Arshia and Anshikka had come over to play on Saturday, here is a few pics of that day.


Fun with the Vaccuum

Dear Vedant,

It has been a while since I wrote to you. Life has been very busy since I returned from Singapore. The first weekend was just catching up with you, home and dad. After that we have been investing time (and money!) in home improvement. You will know all about this when you grow up.

Anyhow, this Sunday you went crazy playing with the Vaccuum, the small one at home. Here is short video that we made.

It was really fun to see you play for so long with something so boring! I plan to make vacuuming a part of your tasks when you grow up.

lots of love,

Chilling out with Papa

Dear Vedant,

These past few weeks you have been amazing to see. You and dad bonding each day. You were always a papa's boy but since my trip to Singapore, it is really awesome.

Here is a pic that Dad asked me to take of two of you. Not like dad to ask for too many pics (well, I do take them anyway).

always cherish this, love,

Mornings spent with Aunty love

Dear Vedant,

I want you to remember the first things that happen when Aunty comes home at 8 am SHARP. Every day. For 1.5years now. It is amazing that she has never been late or called in sick.

These days the first fun thing you do with her is brush your teeth or as you would say "eeeeeeeeeee" with a wide grin. Here is a few pics of the two of you doing that.

You love being in water early in the morning and you look forward to this.
