Dear Vedant,
The past two weeks have been so full of joy with you. We had many firsts, your milestones and together. We went playing Dandia Santa Clara convention center and boy, did you have a good time! I was amazed that you were unfazed by the crowd and loving it all.
You learnt to clap on your own about 3 weeks ago, that was 25 September to be precise. You loved clapping and were very happy doing it. It seemed as if you knew you were doing something new. And a couple of days later, I was singing a rhyme for you and there your were, clapping in response!
You have also become very independent of late. You do the commando crawling on your own. You are mighty fast and true to what they say about kids, you go for the shoes, dirty mats and all the dirt around the house. If I bend and ask you to come towards me, you do that too. My cute potato. We were at Aarti auntie and Varun uncle's house today. They have a lovely home, you were crawling all over. You learnt to go over a little step and kept doing it.
I have just started doing Bikram yoga and because of that I miss being away from you in the morning. Auntie comes in early to take care of you. Daddy spends a lot of time with you in the morning too. I just bought a Camelbak bottle to make sure I am hydrating enough coz the hot yoga is tough sweetie. But why I am mentioning this to you is because, you little smarty boy took my sipper bottle, tried drinking from it and figured it out in less than 1 minute! And you were giggling like crazy when you realized you can drink water from it. I just ordered a sippy cup for you and want to make sure you are able to graduate from the nipple bottle. It is bad for your dental health. I want to give you the best start in everything :)
Anyway, thank you for making my life so full of joy. Your smile brigtens every day and I LOVE YOU!
PS: Busy preparing for your first diwali, Avva sent a new kurta for you, it is super cute! Also your first halloween is coming up.
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