Thursday, 28 August 2014

Hug Papa Tight

Dear Vedant,

You said the cutest thing today. You hugged Papa real tight in the morning and told me to also hug him. And then you said, "High him tight so he doesn't go to Google". :)

So sweet. I feel so lucky that you are so lovey dovey at this age. I know I will miss this when you are older. And yes, you made Papa feel so special!


Monday, 25 August 2014

Lesson learnt, this time for me

Dear Vedant,

So, you might know this already by the time you read this, but your mom is Type A. Essentially, I am almost always chasing this goal of all work done, such as house clean, tasks done etc etc, so much so that sometimes I get stressed that you are awake already in the morning. Yikes! I know, the thing is, I want to do everything possible before you wake up so I can spend undivided time with you. But, finally as Papa might be thinking, I am now at peace with this. It has taken me a good part of my sabbatical but since last week, I am just happy that you are up, regardless of what the status of household work is. In spite of my best efforts, it just is never over, and I am trying to be ok with it.

So, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you will see a cheerful me again. Lots of love chinu singh.


Saturday, 16 August 2014

You are happiness.

Dear Vedant,

You are such a bundle of happiness at this stage, its amazing. You are always happy, chirpy, enthusiastic. Sometimes I feel I should bottle your happiness up and save it for you. Like when you are down about an exam, mending a broken heart or something. It will help you then. I hope you always remain happy, this happy. Its exhausting and reinvigorating all at the same time.

God bless you dear.
Lots of love,

Friday, 15 August 2014

Laughing out loiud with TV

Dear Vedant,

I have been noticing a change in you. These days you laugh out loud when you find something funny in Thomas or Barney TV shows. You have watched some of these shows before but you never giggled like this before. Now, you immerse yourself in the show and laugh out loud. It is so fun to listen and watch you :) I tried taking a video but you got all conscious.

Lots of love,

Saturday, 9 August 2014

hanging out at the Apple store

Dear Vedant,

I am writing this as you and Papa are hanging out at the university avenue Apple store. You are playing your first video game, well, iPad game. Papa is showing you the ropes. You look very happy. Trigger happy :)

Papa will teach you many things in life, especially how to have fun. Lots of love to you.


P.S: you asked for more papa time today. So this is timely. Apparently you are getting enough mommy time. :) I am also happy with the time I am getting with you. It's a blessing.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Great couple of days... barring your reaction

Dear Vedant,

We have had a great couple of days. I spent so much time with you. There was no yelling (I hate that and feel so bad for having shouted at you.) You have also been a good boy. Being that it was the weekend and Dad was hope obviously helped. We have all been together. Tata is also with us at this time.

Yesterday, I made you a chef hat, fashioned from some paper and scotch tape. You lvoed it! Now you are my sous chef and I am the "master" chef :) You have been helping in the kitchen since.

This morning however, was not good. You had an allergic reaction to something. Dad suspects that it is an old massage oil. I am really not sure. I almost hope its the oil because that would mean that it is not a food allergy. I will test it on you a week or so later. Also, you have been such a trooper. Brave little boy. You got a bit scared when I asked you to lie down in the hospital, other than that, you were such a hero. I am very proud of you. We gave you benadryl, made you feel better. Papa stayed home, more for me I think :) It really helped. Kept me worry free knowing that he was around. You guys played busy aiport game to no end.

Lots of love,