Saturday, 31 May 2014

The New book is here!

Dear Vedant,

So as you may know by now, I print all these letters to you in a book, I did the first book from Birth to 2 years and the new one (2 to 3) just arrived today! We looked at it together. It was so nice! I had a gleam in my eye as I saw it and I think you realized that. You asked me, "Is this special"? :) Yes, it is very very special.

It is really the shot in the arm that I needed to finish up the pending blogs. I have over 30 to write, I make little notes to myself, reminders about things I need to write about. And the memories come rushing back to me, I feel purged, so relaxed after writing them all, sort of like I have "processed" the events, the moments.

Back to writing with a bang!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Family Picnic Day

Dear Vedant,

Today was such a special day for both Papa and I. Your school celebrated parents with a Family School picnic day. All the kids made gifts for Mommies and Daddies. You made them for us too. It was so sweet. I will always remember this day.


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Your identity

Dear Vedant,

It was Benjie's bday in School today. You got cookies and were happy about that. You said Benjie is your best friend. And then, you proceeded to tell me, "I am a Sting Ray. I am not a Sea Otter.". This distinction was very important to you. It felt like it was part of your identity.

Knowing oneself is the best thing, keep at it.

Finally, I am satisfied.

Dear Vedant,

I have taken a three month sabbatical from LinkedIn to spend more time with you, take better care of the house and all of us and slow down in general. A month has passed by already. We couldn't do a lot of the fun things I had wanted to since you have been sick at least two out of the last four weeks. I was also down with Sinus related issues, still have them but so much better than last week.

But even so, I actually feel satisfied. I mean, for the first time ever, I feel I have gottena ton of time with you. The constant feeling of not getting enough Vedu time is gone. We are all eating better, I am giving you a bath every day (wasn't happening before! sorry! it was crazy!), the house is cleaner, eating more meals at home etc. I am happy. I will make it even better soon, we have been house hunting. Once that ends, one way or the other, I would like your preschool to be closer to home and then I can pick you up in 4 hours or so. Would like you to nap at home,eating lunch in school has its advantages (but for the microwave).

But happy in general. You don't understand what is happening in a way. You ask me when I pick you up if I went to LinkedIn and when I say no, you are like, why? :) You will get it someday.

Lots of love,

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Love you loads my dear

Dear Vedant,

Today is Mother's Day. A day that perhaps Hallmark/ Archies invented and like every other festival in this country (and the rest of the world is getting there) is a big marketing event. It is when most sales happen, most retail business is done after Christmas. I was amazed when I first found this info - from my days at ShopSocially, a start up I worked at. No pressure on you to get me something :) You are free! A call, a hug, a kiss will make me happy.

Anyhow, the economics of this aside, it was nice to spend the day with you. We had a day full of family reunions and then some down time at home. Karthik Mama was over (visiting from Atlanta) and it was so nice to hang out with him. We went to Venkat Mama's house and as usual had yummy food made by Saras Aunty. The conversations were brilliant, about old times. You played with Vikram bhaiya, he shared his old thomas trains with you. I wonder if there will be day when you share your then old train set with a kiddo :) I know the time will fly by, and I will wonder when you grew up.

Hoping to spend a lot of time holding you, nurturing you, teaching you, cuddling you.
My dearest boy in the whole wide world, my precious one. Amma loves you a lot.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Having real conversations on the Phone

Dear Vedant,

I see a step change in the way you have conversations on the phone these days. Suddenly, they have become very clear and determined. You ask questions and respond to them as well. Mostly you speak to Papa. Off late, you also want to speak to Anurag and Viji Peddamma. :)

Growing up my dear. Love,

Thursday, 8 May 2014

No sounds, no phonics.

Dear Vedant,

So you are not interested in learning the phoinics. In fact, I am beginning to think that you hate it. I guess i have introduced it too early or too fast. Either way, you are not enjoying it. I was trying to do it so you could learn to read on your own. However, I know I need to back off for now. We will go back to it when you are ready.
