Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Christmas Break 2013

Dear Vedant,

I have a 10 day shutdown at the end of the year for the holidays. Your school was off too. Papa worked from home some days. Unfortunately, we were sick otherwise, we would have surely done more things. But we spent a lot of time together, just being around each other which was so nice and much needed after 3 weeks of Pre-school routine.

The highlights were having our own little Christmas tree, (recycled from last year :)). You loved playing with it. Also, you got a present from Santa. I had to force you (I feel bad, somewhat) to say Thank you, and had to present back on the porch until you were willing you say it. You did eventually, and were happy with your present. We have also been reading the Christmas book a lot. You really like it. Other highlight when we managed to fight the cold and cough and get out of the house was our trip to "Christmas in the Park". You really liked it there, watching the various trees, toy train etc. They did not have the tea pot ride this year otherwise we would have surely gone on it . You liked it last year.

You also celebrated Christmas in School, you got scared of the Santa. I don't blame ya, you were so new to the school in the first place and I hadn't read books about it yet. So you didn't know what was coming. :( Here is your picture from school. You are sitting close to Miss Monique, you seem to really like her.

It was a good break, I got to spend a lot of time with you. Something I am almost always looking to do :)


Sunday, 22 December 2013

Dancing to "Maine pyaar kiya"

Dear Vedant,

You really seem to like dancing so much. Its your thing :) Today was so much fun! We were all sitting in the living room. Papa was playing music on Pandora. Suddenly you got up and wanted to dance. You pulled both of us into it too. Dancing, btw means, we throw our hands up in the air and jump. We also have to go around in circles. You also like dancing in my godi. Papa is a good (handsome :), cute, fun! - you know I like him :)) dancer and you tried to learn a step too :)

Lots of love,

Update: Jan 6, 2014: Ms. Monique said that you danced in class today when "Shake your sillies out" was playing on pandora :) She asked me if you really like dancing. She told me you put down Bholu as if you needed both your hands :) I like her so much, she is so good to you.

I don't like driving in the night

Dear Vedant,

These days you seem to notice that when Amma and Papa are both in the car, Papa is the one that drives (99.9% of the time). The thing is, he is a better driver and I don't like driving on the freeways in peak times. You ask me to drive when I am in the car and I told you that "Amma doesn't like driving in the night.". Today, you were "driving" your pretend car (laundry basket) all over the house. Then you came into the kitchen and said to me "I don't like driving in the night. New game" :)

Then you were smiling too, naughty one.

Pre-school, Tough first weeks

Dear Vedant,

The first few weeks of pre-school were tough on all of us. You had difficulty communivating since you did not know a lot of English. Also it was your first time away from home. It did not help that you didn't go for only half a day, you were all of a sudden thrown in to a full day of school. We had also just returned from India. Anyhow, these few weeks have been rough, but you have been a champ. We are going in to the Christmas break and I know that you will do much better next year.

Loads of love,

Thursday, 12 December 2013

"Sweather Bathroom mein he"

Dear Vedant,

Today you were a really useful boy, reminded me of Thomas - a really useful engine :) I was lookign for your Black Mickey sweater and I had looked everywhere with no luck. I was just telling papa that I don't know where it is. All this was hapening in our bedroom and we were getting you ready for school. You heard what I said and then said (very calmly) - "sweather bathroom mein he". And indeed it was in the bathroom. We were proud of you and just thought it was cute :)

Good job kiddo.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

First Week of Pre-School

Dear Vedant,

You are asleep in bed right now. Today was Day 8 of Pre-school. You are doing so much better this week, today was great too. Thank you for being a great kiddo at adjusting to new things.

Week 1 was not so good. You were crying at drop off, during the day. It was awful to pick up a crying you. I think you had trouble with the language and also did not know that we would return at the end of the day to pick you up. My work is not so busy right now and it has been easier to pick you up early too. You are not learning much yet at School but just settling in is a good sign. Week 1 was hard on Papa and I.

Yesterday, Papa was reading a book and you asked him to hold the book like Miss. Monique does in School, facing the kids :) I was putting the "Hands are not for hitting" book in your School bag and you told me, "Amma, School me already books he". You are getting the hang of it :)

In a week you seem to walk around like you own the space. I love it. However, please stop the throwing toys phase - not cool. You and I had a talk about that today. Btw, Miss Helen seems to like you so. She laid down next to you and patted you down, stroked your hair to help you nap on Day 2. On Monday you were really sleepy and you said to Miss Monique "I wanna nap.". I am so proud of you and happy that you are able to communicate your needs. Be confident. Be gentle too.

Lots of love,