Sunday, 31 March 2013

Amma turns 30

Dear Vedant,

For my 30th birthday, three of us spent the whole day together. We went to San Francisco, Golden Gate bridge. Ate tons of cheesecake too. Perfect day.

May be one day when it is my birthday, you might bring me some cake :) Helpful hint isn't it?


Friday, 29 March 2013

Papa Will Be Back Soon

Dear Vedant,

Papa had to go away to Vegas for a few days in March 2013. You would ask me when I came back from work about “Where is Papa” and then answer the question yourself and say “Papa back soon”. The most heart breaking thing was you putting on the night suit and then immediately saying “Show Papa” only to realize that he is not there. :( But you were brave all through. I am proud of you. When Papa came back, you hugged him really tight and did not let go for a long time. I am sure Papa missed you kanna.

Lots of love my dear,

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Spelling bee here we come!

Dear Vedant,

So as it often happens, you figure out all the puzzles you have and can do it without any instructions. You are especially good with jigsaw puzzles, you have a huge construction site one and do it alone in a matter of minutes. I worry that since I do not send you to day care, a conscious decision, I need to provide you enough stimulation, either via toys, activities or trips to the Museum.

So I bought the spelling toy, to teach you, give you something to hold and do on your own. You really like it and took it like a fish to water J You love finding the different letters and say that you want to do “abc game”. Cute picture of you here, my boy.


Monday, 18 March 2013

Every Time Cookie

Dear Vedant,

The credit for this goes to Aunty. One day I came back from office and you said “Jab utho tab cookie, Evvvvvvery time Cookie!”.  Back then, the first thing you wanted after waking up was a Cookie. Aunty said this to you and then you started repeating it over and over again J Really cute (and true!).


Friday, 15 March 2013

Peddanaina Trip & First Train Ride

Dear Vedant,

Peddanaina (Bava/ Dwarak) visited us March 2013. It was just a weekend but somehow you knew who he was. You were able to understand that he came from Geethu Peddamma’s house and that Priya and Divya are also there. He brought some cookies for you that you devoured. Later when we went to drop him off at the airport, you really liked watching the Train go round and round. You also sat in the Train for the first time. Since we were at the first coach and there was no apparent engine, you said “Train back ja rahi he”. You were not scared at all. After he left, you asked about him for a couple of days. Good times.

I really hope we are able to spend time with Geethu peddamma and family.

Lots of Love,

Stuck on “My truck is Stuck” book

Dear Vedant,

You absolutely love the “My truck is stuck” book. We read it pretty much nonstop all day, every day. Papa, Aunty and I, all of us do it. We love reading it to you, watching your reaction. You have really caught on to the story and the words and say it aloud with us. Great times, but we can certainly do a little less of this book J

Lots of love,

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Weekend breakfast at Hobee's

Dear Vedant,

Here is a pic after our hearty breakfast at Hobee’s down the road from our house. Papa usually suggests that we go for a nice breakfast on the weekend. We made it happen this time. We all ate a really nice, yummy breakfast. You had whole-wheat, high protein, healthy pancakes. You seemed to like it. Here is a pic of you and I looking happy!

P.S: Some of my happiness may be due to a Mimosa! Shh...don't tell!


Dear Vedant,

Dad was fiddling with the camera since it had just come back after being repaired. You and I were about to do a hug and then you said "Papa Camera!". You also ran to the Teddy and posed for a picture for the first time on your own.


Shlok in the morning

Dear Vedant,

Papa wakes you up with a Shlok every morning. He has taught you the Gayatri mantra this way. You know most of it. And when you go to bed in the night, you say this to papa "Papa bye! good night! subah milenge! Shlok!". I have to record this soon


Weekend Family Walk....

Dear Vedant,

Papa started this tradition a few weeks ago and we do it as much as possible. We eat a light breakfast and set out on a 30-40 minute walk in Coyote Creek trail, nothing fancy, just a small trail behind our home. It is fun to do this together. The highlights are watching the crane, excavator, train etc. You run in between, go to the sides and wait for us to say "Vedu run in the middle". You look for your shadow too. It is a great way to relax in the weekend.


Mumma Happy?

Dear Vedant,

We had a great conversation today. Here is how it happened:

Vedu (standing near the kitchen, looking guilty): Amma happy?
Amma (in the kitchen): Yes, kanna. What did you do?
Vedu: Gadbad
Amma: What gadbad did you do? Can you show me?
Vedu (going to the DVD player): Udhar, ye wala gadbad. Mumma close?
Amma (controlling her laughter): ok, don't do it again.

This was so cute! Papa and I were laughing away. Anyway, this is really worrying me now. You keep doing some gadbad or the other and then ask if Papa is happy, mumma happy, aunty happy etc. We used to tell you that when you do gadbad, we are not happy. Now, it has become a routine. I am hoping to find a solution in the book we recently bought "How to talk so your kids will listen, how to listen so your kids will talk.", very much recommended by Ayush uncle.

Sleep tight, enjoy your nap, Love,