Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Holiday Break at Tahoe

Dear Vedant,

We had a lovely holiday in Tahoe in December 2012. We spent 3 nights in a lovely cottage in a place near Nevada city. It was a great place, tucked away from computers and work. We went there with Jubilee Aunty, Srini uncle and Kofi. You played so much with Kofi, it was real cute. You would chase Kofi for a while and then he would be chasing you :) You guys had trouble not touching each other's toy balls.

We enjoyed hanging out so much that we want to go back there in the summer. I also showed you a tractor, horse, some goats at a farm near the cottage. It was the first time you saw a farm like place in real.

Here are a few pics to remember our family fun..

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Christmas in the Park..

Dear Vedant,

Over the holiday season, there is a nice fair that comes to downtown San Jose. It is called "Christmas in the Park". We went there one night and you had a lot of fun. You liked the lights and the Tea Pot ride the best.

The first pic is of you intently watching the toy train with Santa & elves go by. The second pic is of us by the Tea Pot ride.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Circle and Heart

Dear Vedant,

The sponge toys - Circle and Heart were your thing for such a long time. You would take them everywhere, upstairs if you were going to bed, downstairs, from the living room to the dining room. If you went to a new room and didn't remember to bring them, all of a sudden you would recall them and fret about and only calm down if we got them. Or you would be bummed that they were "gum".

You are over them now, not your favourite thing anymore. Guess there will be many more fads...

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Moon gum?

Dear Vedant,

so it turns out the Moon is very mischievous. Sometimes it hides behind clouds and then shows up at other times :) This is how we would handle your constant (actually CONSTANT) questions about where the Moon is every second in the car :) For a while we thought of buying a dummy moon and sticking it up on the roof of our car :).

Even now you love the moon, watching the moon from the car, or the balcony is a fun thing to do.

Love you shona mona,

Saturday, 1 December 2012

My Voracious Rattu Reader

Dear Vedant,

Your memory amazes me every day. Just yesterday you saw a book after 2 months. You got it at Viji peddamma's place and hadn't seen it for two months. You saw it and said "Anga diya, Viji pa diya". I am amazed by how much you remember & how you recall things. You now know your favourite books and songs by heart. First among them are "Elmo loves you", "My Truck is Stuck", "Hungry caterpillar".... I am really glad and so is Papa that you love reading.. but oh my! We would love to do without "truck is stuck book" for a week! We know it line by line, word for word :)

Here is a pic that I took when I caught you reading. You were mouthing various words you know and seemed so engrossed. Was really nice to see.
Love, Amma