Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Be back soon my dear..

Dear Vedant,

This is the first time I have left you alone for 6 nights. I put you to bed myself on Sunday, before I left. It was hard to do this, I am thinking about you almost constantly. Every child I see, I think of you.

I know the time will go by fast and I am going to be with you on Saturday morning, and then I am going to spend my whole weekend, just being with you. Nothing else. Perhaps we will go to the zoo. Whatever, makes you happy. You be a good boy, listen to Papa, Aunty and Rohini aunty. They all know what is best for you.

When time comes, you will understand why this was important to me. Until then, hang tight my dear.  I am coming back soon.

With all my love,

Forgiving Love, Innocence

Dear Vedant,

I wanted to note the moment I came back from Monterey. You were walking in front of our home with Dad. You saw me, smiled and went back to the leaves you were fiddling with. Then after a second you looked at me again and then came running.

The best part was seeing you so happy, content BEFORE I came. And then holding you was wonderful. We went for a walk immediately, you did not want to stay home. It was fabulous. Being with you again, as if I hadn’t even gone away.

I guess that is how children are, no grudges, no memory of the night before. Just being in the moment.

Stay happy always, Love,

Hugging the screen, Adorable, heart-breaking.

Dear Vedant,

I recently went to Monterey for two nights for work. We did a google hangout for the first time. And you did the cutest thing, you hugged the Screen. I so wished I could be with you.

You were also very brave. Barring two episodes in the night that Dad mentioned, I think you got along alright without me. You have to know I am always there for you, even if I am not close by. I hope I won’t have to travel as much, this time has been just coincidental. No more travel for a few more months. 

Hopefully on my next one, I can bring you along. I had asked aunty so many times, but she refused. I understand where she comes from. She has to look after her own kids like I worry for you. I get that, I just wish it would happen.

Anyhow, I am looking forward to our trip to Monterey,  that should be fun. Three days of just taking it easy by the beach. I intend to cuddle away with you on the sand.  And dad, it’s the best when it is the three of us, and the way you get in between us :) One day we gotta record it, your sounds of disapproval if I hug dad. Or we hold hands. And then you make space by (always) pushing me away!! 

Lots of love,

Loving new shoes...

Dear Vedant,

We went to Great mall near our place on Saturday July 14 to pick up new shoes for you. Dad really wants to buy the ones that look cool, have a canvas bottom, kinda like fancy PT shoes, those of us, well, in our generation from India will know what I mean.  Papa also has just read a book called “Born to Run” which talks about various manufacturers that sell shoes with gels, arch support etc which are eventually bad for our feet. Anyhow, after much picking and choosing, Dad picked these Brown-blue shoes for you.

We had you try them out on Sunday evening for a short stroll around the house. You loved them from the get go!! You were so excited walking around in them. You were jumping around in them (literally jumping, both feet in air). Usually when we ask you to remove shoes after coming back home, you do it, almost immediately. This time however, you didn’t. You were walking around the whole house wearing your new shoes.

I think this is the first time you realized you are wearing something NEW. I will add a picture when I get back home which brings me to my next post.

Lots of love,

Lovely locks of hair...

Dear Vedant,

Here is a picture of you playing in SFO airport just before Anuraag uncle picked us up. You were so happy. Very hairy too, love your hair so much, you look so cute. Well until we got you a haircut the next day. I know it will grow back, can’t wait!

You loved playing in the airport. And you looked so handsome, jeans and all!

Lots of love,

Thursday, 5 July 2012

First Words..

Dear Vedant,

You said "Mumma-Papa" a while ago and yesterday was your first word after that.

The sequence has been as follows

Joint Winners ( :D ) - Mumma - Papa
Distand Second - Baby
Close third - Car & Elmo

It is really fun to hear you speak,

Fun day at Sesame place, PA

Daddy and Vedu tired after a fun day at Sesame Place
Dear Vedant,

Today was a very busy day for you.

We are at Sesame Place Park today for Anurag's birthday. It has been really fun so far. It has also been VERY hot.. that has been the only bummer. You were excited to see Cookie Monster, Elmo and Big Bird.. but also got a little scared of them. You did hug Cookie Monster. Later when we were seeing a show.. you wanted to touch Cookie Monster.

Will add more pics later..

Lots of love,

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Chap Chap in Central Park, NYC, NY

Dear Vedant,

I want to remember the best part of NYC trip for you. It was getting nangu, barring a diaper and getting totally drenched in the fountain in central park. It was so much fun. You refused to get out of there... protested big time !!

It was a really hot day. You loved being able to run about in central park.. pointing out birds.. we played "chase & caught you", you were giggling so much. You played with Sid Chinnaina. Anurag got a little J of that :).

I also felt very relaxed there.. just lying down.. and looking up at sky was nice..
