We have been living in Camille Circle for a little over an year now. My first interaction with Rohini aunty was when she came over to meet us with a gift in tow for you. It had only been a few days since we had moved in. Since then our relationship has grown and there have been many moments we have spent together. There have been many firsts for you all along...
First Toy ever.. the Cow..
First Car for diwali..
First diwali celebration
First Halloween hug
First playmate in Arshia
First Neighbor that you can actually visit
First home you are comfortable in beside your own
First aunty that spoils you rotten
First kitchen beside mine where you know the where the cookies are at
First baby that is younger than you to play with.. Anshikka
First time you had upma
First bday celebration (at home, when we were all sick)
First Aunty that disciplines when you are naughty
First Aunty that I can leave you with knowing you are going to be happy
First Aunty that you are always happy to see
First home you always want to visit
First playdate (when I was at work)
First Lego blocks
There have been many firsts with Rohini Aunty. We are very lucky to have her close by. You have received so much love from her, Arshia and Anuraag uncle, it is really amazing.
Always remember those who love you and care for you,