Monday, 31 March 2014

My bday in 2014

Dear Vedant,

I had one of the best bdays ever with you and Papa this year. Papa and I took off from work. We dropped you off to Wonder Years, caught a movie, picked you up. Bought a cake, red because that's your favourite color from NothingBundtCakes. Papa bought a flag and all, so you loved it! You blew the candles off for me :) You had a biggggggg slice, just like you wanted. It was a great day! I loved spending time  with two of my favourite boys in the whole world.


Sunday, 23 March 2014

Aapka Baby yahaan he

Dear Vedant,

You did the cutest thing ever, with a spark in your big eyes and a cheeky smile across your face. I was looking for you and said "Vedu, where are you?". You said from the corner that you were in, "Aapka baby yahaan he". So cute! And naughty, you little fellow.


Sunday, 16 March 2014

New game! More fun!

Dear Vedant,

We have a new game going on right now. When we go to a restaurant, we play with the menu. I cover a section of it with my fingers and ask you to look for Idly, Dosa or whatever it is that they are serving. The first time we did it in a Fremont restaurant, you found it a little hard, it was also hard to get you interested. But then, you got the hang of it.

Now you ask for this game whenever we go to a restaurant. The other day you wanted to do this at home, I was holding a newspaper/ flyer or something like that :).

#FunStuff #GrowingBigger

Friday, 14 March 2014

Getting late...

Dear Vedant,

We have been rushing out the door for the past few days, almost weeks now. It is hard to get you dressed, ready and fed in time.And I am usually getting late for a meeting. It doesn't help that your pre-school is a good 25 minutes in traffic. Also, doesn't help that we are not getting up sooner. I had tried (real hard) all through December to make sure that you get to school for circle, now I have given up. It was causing me too much stress. And I was passing that stress on to you.

Anyhow. Today, as usual, we were trying to get out the door, without forgetting your lunch/jacket etc. You wore your shoes ahead of me and then started going downstairs while I was tying my laces. You said, "I will go and open Garage because we are getting late". The whole sentence, exactly like that. It made me feel glad that you are helping, but more importantly it made me feel sad. Sad because, I did not have to rush through things in my life until much later, and it is becoming a part of your life very very early in life. :(

My sabbatical is coming soon. I won't rush you, not for unnecessary things. I promise.


Monday, 10 March 2014

Am I a Tiger Mom?

Dear Vedant,

We have been doing so much work in the little workbooks I get for you from CostCo, Target etc. You work on Letters, Numbers, Shapes etc. It has become a routine these days. You enjoy matching puzzles the most.Following that would be stickers related activity. You like writing/ tracing shapes and letters too. Numbers aren't your favourite right now.

We have been doing so much that it made me wonder if I am a Tiger Mom? :) I try to go easy on you and follow your lead, at least most of the times. It is hard, now I realize, to be a teacher that follows the student and not the other way around.

Keep learning, keep having fun.