Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Loving Puris!

Dear Vedant,

This picture speaks a thousand words to me. You love your Puris alright. We had gone to Stinson beach today, it was so much fun! More on that will come soon. On our way back home, we went to chatpata corner to grab some Dinner. You loved the puris there. You were also really good about not crying etc. We left you at the table to eat your Puris while we enjoyed Pani-puris. I was worried about leaving you alone, but Dad being a giraffe, could spot you :)

lots and lots of Love,

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Cheerios - You are such a loyal fan!

Dear Vedant,

You are still such a big love of Doodh-Cheerios. I give it to you sometimes for breakfast and feel immensely guilty because it is not nutritious, but you loovvvvvve it.

I have proof right here. You are enjoying breakfast on a Tuesday morning.
Lots of love,

Monday, 15 July 2013

Baby, Vedu ke liye book pado

Dear Vedant,

This was another one of those one liners that made their way to the cloud. Vivek kaka, Dipali kaku and Vidit had come over for Dinner. This was two weeks before they left for India. Anyhow, I asked you to bring a book for Baby. You brought it, lay down next to Vidit on his blanket. (A whole new post can be written about your fascination with blankies, including those that belong to other babies!). And then you said - "Baby, Vedu ke liye book pado". It was hilarious!

Love you my little funny one,

Watching TV

Dear Vedant,

We recently lifted the embargo on your TV watching. You are now allowed to watch - "Caterpillar" and "Thomas" for approximately 20 minutes every evening. I have always been worried about you getting addicted to TV like most kids.Somewhere, I just wanted to keep this complication out of our lives. I am also wary of ever combining food and TV. So, I will not be found saying "Finish food and then TV", these are two unrelated items. Even so, you have taken to TV like a fish to water. Your favourite is the "Firey Flynn, a fire engine in Thomas.". You want to see that all the time. I find that you are not interested in trying out new episodes, which worries me sometimes. And then, I tell myself, and I can actually hear your papa saying it in my head "He is not looking for the tallest tree". :)

Here is a pic of you, all into the TV. Btw, you want to cuddle and nestle as you watch TV. Reminds me of me :)

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Big Boy Bed!!

Dear Vedant,

Congratulations to you! Look at you, the gleam in your eyes, the sheer happiness on your face. So cute! Today was the first night in the big boy bed. You made the transition fairly easily. You have always been good about these things. Also, we made a big deal about this. We patted your back, made you feel like you did a great job and focused on how cool it is to be in a big boy bed.

Just love this pic of yours,

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Sleeping with Elmo and Bholu

Dear Vedant,

It has now become a tradition to sleep with Bholu singh and Elmo singh. You always want them in your crib. We share the blankets with them. And then after, I kiss the three of you :) You always ask for "so many" kisses, "round and round" ones. Elmo and Bholu get one each :).

Sleep tight chinu.


P.S: I am hoping one of these days you will move to a toddler bed.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Papa, the best feeder in the world!

Dear Vedant,

Papa has been so patient feeding you healthy food these days. I hope you always remember that. He makes up all these stories and stays patient while you delay the process of eating on your own. We were doing good with it, but are not anymore. We need to go back to it and we will. However, in the meantime, please know that Papa and you have been having a lot of fun over roti, sabji and “No Daal” J

Lots of love,



Dear Vedant,

These days its all about size, and the bigger one is Mumma, the smaller one is Baby. Aunty gave you two servings of Dahi in one go, one was slightly bigger than the other. You said "Mumma Dahi, Baby Dahi". You said "Mumma poopoo, baby poopoo".

Too funny mister, too funny. Love,

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Aunty aapki Aushadi kahan he?

Dear Vedant,

This was absolutely funny, Aunty even wrote it on the word cloud that I made at home. If you say anything funny, it goes up on the board for me. 

We have been teaching you the Hindi alphabet using a book I brought from Madras. It says “Au” for “Aushadi”. You have really picked it up. You asked aunty “Aunty, aapki aushadi kahan he?”.  You have also noticed that we giggle like crazy when we hear it, so you say it even more. You natkhat chotu motu.

Lots of love


Looking out...

Dear Vedant,

This is where you are most days, saying bye to Papa and me, watching FedEx, UPS or any other trucks going by. I just want to remember this pose, looking out, many times waving, many times just watching silently. I love sitting here with you and waving at the Garbage truck or something else that totally grasps your attention.

May be, one day, actually for sure, I will watch you leave and a part of me will break and be only put together when I see you again.

I Love you.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Wearing your Elmo nightsuit

Dear Vedant,

You love Elmo, as well all know by now. I was looking for summer night suits that would ensure that you have a layer on, without making it too hot. And Elmo was first choice. You were so excited when you wore these. You jumped all over the bed, with joy. You were too happy really. 

Loved seeing you so thrilled and happy. Lots of blessings to you.