Thursday, 28 February 2013

No Foot on the Table

Dear Vedant,

We have been teaching you to not keep your foot on the table, that it is meant for food and we don’t want germs there etc. Little did I know that when Papa or I do it, you will correct us! You tell us if you catch us doing it to stop, and say “Papa, no foot table.” I Guess children make us put on our best behavior too. Love it.

Lots of love,

Seizing a day for you and I

Dear Vedant,

I woke up in the morning intending to go to work but papa floated the idea of taking off and spending time with you. Papa does this often, usually I ignore it nicely J. This time, however, my heart was totally in it. I totally went for it! I took off, aunty, you and I went to the Children’s museum. I had Aunty added to the membership. I also showed her the way to the Museum.

You had so much fun there, I loved watching you! Now the Children’s museum is part of your routine, you go quite often, 2-3 times a month at least. Aunty loves taking you there too. For me, it felt like I had J Even now you like this the best.
got an extra day to live my life. I felt lucky to be alive really! It was like seizing the day and making the most of it. You spent the longest time at the sand laboratory, you kept transferring the sand from beakers to test tubes

Enjoy! Love,

Monday, 25 February 2013

Bananas... Lemon...Grapes

Dear Vedant,

Avva and Tatha show you Banana, lemon, grapes etc on Facetime. We chatted with them after a long time, 3-4 weeks today. You asked for Bananas, they had run out of them. Then you said .."Lemon". After Avva brought them out, you said "Grapes". I am amazed you remember all this stuff after a long gap too.

Amazing memory my little one. Good night.

Dilli Dilli Dilli...

Dear  Vedant,

This was way too cute for me to miss, hilarious too. You were running around the house with both your hands up in the air and saying "Dilli Dilli Dilli". Dad and I were watching the Academy awards. You were unusually active and happy. We both couldn't figure out what you were saying, what it related too etc. We asked Aunty today, and she didn't know it either. It was really fun to watch nevertheless :)

Lots of love,

Great Mall aa gaye

Dear Vedant,

You and I went to Great mall on Feb 24th. I suppose you heard Papa and I tlak about where we were going. As soon as I parked at Great mall, you said "Great Mall Aa Gaye.". I was so impressed!

Good going little one, Love,

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Sheikh Vedantudeen

Dear Vedant,

You were fooling around in dad's closet and took out his T-Shirt. I asked you if you wanted to wear it. And you said "Yes". I put it on you and you rocked it! You totally looked like a Sheikh. You were so thrilled to wear it, you jumped, winked and were just happy in it.

This was Friday, Feb 22nd, 2013.
Love, Amma

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Amma kitchen clean up

Dear Vedant,

In spite of our repeated attempts at sleep training you, leaving you in the crib and leaving is still hard. My latest excuse is "Amma has to go and do clean up". It started one night and is now my go to each night. It is "egg bahar, atta bahar, etc."

You start telling me yourself that Amma has to clean up when I am about to leave! It is cute... I want to remember this...


Thursday, 7 February 2013

My ladla

Dear Vedant,

You now complete my words for me..
Me: Amma sweetie Vedu: Pie!
Me: Amma golu      Vedu: Singh!
Me: Amma golmol  Vedu: Anmol!
Me: Amma sona     Vedu: Mona!

Its really cute, I enjoy it a lot each time. Also, "One pittu left bum & one pittu right bum".. Sleep tight chinu..


"I think" Roadsweeper

Dear Vedant,

Today you surprised me with your ever growing vocabulary. We heard the beep and horn of the Garbage Truck, a favourite part of your day. You stopped what you were doing and said "Ga Ga" and then you said "No No...I think Roadsweeper". You actually said "I think"!

Further, shaam ko you said "because ga ga aayega"

Good going gappus,

Monday, 4 February 2013

Mommy's little helper!

Dear Vedant,

You were my little helper this Sunday on our trip to the Indian store. I felt proud and happy :). It was a lot of fun too.

I would pick out the vegetables, bag them and give them to you. Your job was to find Amma's basket and put the veggies in it. I kept telling you that you are helping me and you were so happily busy :). Some others were looking at us and giving us cute smiles too.

It was good 1:1 time. You have also learnt your veggies now. You also know the store layout and know to how to find avocados etc.

I am looking forward to spending more time together as you grow up. We will create memories my dear...