Monday, 17 September 2012

"Dooddhuuu UP!"

Dear Vedant,

By now you have figured out the night routine. We finish dinner, play a little. Dad or I get your milk ready. Next, we switch off the music and ALL the lights. You won't go up otherwise. The other day Vivek Uncle and Dipali aunty were visiting. We had to switch off the lights even then :) They had to sit in the dark for two minutes until you went up. Then you gather me/ papa, whoever is lagging and the whole team goes up to put you to bed.

Today when dad was getting your milk ready you screamed with joy..."Doodhuu UP!!" It was really cute. Dad and I laughed for a while..

Good night love,

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Monterey Trip, Labor Day 2012

Dear Vedant,

We had a great holiday over Labor day in 2012. We went to Monterey and stayed at a small hotel. We had a one bedroom service apartment and were quite comfortable. Full disclosure - Amma won an award at work and we got most of the stay covered by LinkedIn :)

We hung out at the beach, played with the new sand toys, the dump truck, shovel and all the moulds you have. We spent a day at Monterey Bay Aquarium which was a lot of fun too. Not to forget the lovely breakfast we had at some place that had great Yelp! rating, something Dad will tell you about one day. I must add that we walked half a mile to get to breakfast but it was well worth it :)  Also, one of the picture is so you saying "Itna pani tha" to our question "Vedu kitna pani he".