Saturday, 23 July 2011

Houston Trip

Dear Vedant,

This was your first holiday away from home. We spent 16 days with Viji Peddamma, Sid Peddanaina and Anurag. I had a good time there.

It was a fun trip. My updates first dear - Amma did tons of shopping. Viji peddamma is so much fun to shop with. And she makes sure that all my needs are met. She is like ammamma in that way. She also made lots of good food for me, I never had to bother about the Kitchen.

We hired a new Nanny - Miss Maria to take care of you/ Anurag as the case may be. Miss Maria used to rock you to sleep in the Rocker chair. I was worried that you will ask for that chair after we get back home, but you did not.

Anurag was so scared of you at times. You were so noisy, not your fault, but you were loud. Anurag did not like that. But at times he would hug you on his own, sometimes for a photo op, like here, but at other times, just like that. "Baby hug, baby done, baby whale, baby diaper change, baby tachi etc was how he talked about you. "baby tachi" was his favorite :).

I think when you both grow up, you will play a lot with each other and that will be fantastic. Looking forward to that. Perhaps, you will be similar to how Viji and I were as kids. I hope you both bond and share many good memories.

Lots of love,

6 months old!

Dear Vedant,

I am writing this a few days late, you are now a big baby, 6 months old sweetie. It was a good day your 6 months birthday sweetie.

I celebrated early morning with a big hug and kissie. I also put a denim dungaree on you for the first time. It was the first time you wore jeans, something you will wear many many years into the future for sure.

Daddy, you and I went to picture people and we took our first family portrait together. We also took a single picture of you, that came out so well. You look so cute in it, I can't express just how sweet you look.

lots of love kanna,
sleep well,

Monday, 4 July 2011

Rollover and more!

Dear Vedant,

Many many things to write about since last time, but first things first, you rolled over today! It was so cute. You were on the gym in the living room and I was in the kitchen. Daddy was hanging around. I just came to check on you and there you were on your tummy! Totally comfy... We took pictures. Then we put you on your back and took a video of you rolling over :) I was very happy.

You are still refusing to eat cereal, as soon as I bring it near you, you go foooooo.... blow it everywhere. Time to try the apple or banana version.

Saturday we went to a barbecue party in Lick Mill park, it was great. Shaheen aunty had done a lot of work for it. There was yummy food everywhere. Especially loved the salad she made- mayo, yoghurt, kidney beans and spring onions.

Bus bache, otherwise nothing much to report. Spoke to balwinder aunty today. She was happy to know you rolled over. She was also very happy that we called her. Hopefully she will come back, I would love that. She was really good, took care of all of us.

Chalo bache, soon I will come up to hug you,