Monday, 1 December 2014

Day 1 at Stratford!

Dear Vedant,
You were sooooo good today. I am so happy for the great start to your new school.
Much love,

Dear Vedant,

I am coming back to finish this on a Saturday morning. Armed with a cup of tea, while "my silly boys" are sleeping upstairs. More on the "silly boys" later :)

You have been such a good boy, adjusting so well and so quickly to your, yet again, new school. I had taken you one day just to show you around, we just walked through the play structure etc., so you would be more familiar with the school on the first day. You cried then. I had to explain to you that I am not going to drop you off. On the "real" first day, you were so different. I think it really helped to show you around once before. The first drop off was excellent. You were a little sad, kind of moist eyed when I was leaving, but that's it. It seems you participated in the winter show practice etc., all on your first day! I was so happy.

Yesterday was your first performance. It was so cute. You were standing there, following the rules. I could see you were overwhelmed with all the adults there, but you did a great job. No tears, no running away. I was really proud of you. Papa pie is bummed that he couldn't be there, we will show him a video of it today.

In general, you seem much happier now that you are going to school again. India was really good in terms of spending a ton of time with family, but you did not get a chance to play with kids too much. Especially on the first day, I could see a clear difference in your mood, having played with kids. You have also been eating relatively well. We are trying to incorporate more fruits in your diet. You have been great with that. I need to be more patient with you. You have been eating a good lunch too. The only thing I have noticed is that you don't nap in school. You looked so tired on Thursday, I put you to bed after we came home. It was hard to wake you up later in the evening, you wanted to sleep more.

Anyhow, we are all getting adjusted back to our new routine. I have gone back to LinkedIn part time. I really want to spend as much time with you as possible and minimize the time you need to spend away from me. You are still my little baby, two years away from proper schooling. We are all trying to make this work for us.

You are the apple of our eye. Love you so much kanna.