I am starting the story of your birth a couple of years late, this is the final note after which I get to order the book that I can't wait to see. Now this might be a couple of years late, but I remember almost everything, at least the good parts in my head.
My very first memory is that of me finding out that I was in fact pregnant. I had done the test so many times before, I couldn't believe it when it was positive for the first time. It felt like all my prayers were being answered. Among other memories in my pregnancy, a time that I think was just for you and I, a few things stand out. Our first ulta sound, hearing your heart beat, watching you in the Ultra sound for the first time, finding out that it was going to be a boy, Dad said at this point "my boy". I can still hear your dad say it in my head. He then said "I also want a girl, next time". We had some fun times, visiting Windsor castle, Stratford upon Avon being among them. Time also came for us to move to the US of A, dad took care of everything, and we flew business class (my first time), making sure I walked every hour or so.
Settling down here, buying a car etc. happened so fast. Then Avva came over to help me out. I was so happy when she arrived, I had pretty much stopped cooking, somehow I lost interest in it. After Avva came, you and I were well fed and rested. I knitted so much during the last 3 weeks, later I almost regretted it and felt that I should have slept while I could :)
And yes, the D-day. You, mister, had no intention of coming out on your own. I like to think you were very cozy in there :) I had to be induced and eventually had a C-section but it was all worth it. Out you came on January 21st, 2011, at 2.51 PM in Kaiser, Santa Clara. You were a healthy 8 lbs 13 ozs and were 21 inches long. I was pretty out of it on the first day. I remember being immensely happy when I saw you for the first time. The first thing I heard was "he is big!" when you were being born. Venkat mama, saras, and the kids came to see you on the first day.
The first few days at the hospital and home were rough, on me :) Like any new born, you needed all my attention and I was recovering. We pulled through that, moved to our current home and have been so blessed. Time has passed since then, and now I feel like the best is yet to come.
Some day son, I will tell you more. Some day, when you are old enough. And some other things are just for me, for your mom to cherish, to remember and to hold on to the biggest moment of her life.
All my love to you, my baby forever. Welcome to the world!